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One More

If I hear one more commercial with hopeful muzac playing in the background, saying - like everyone else is - that 'we're all in this together', I'm going to flip a lid. Can we not make an original statement or commercial??

Bad 'friend'

I need to get away from someone. But I'm dependent on this person. They don't physically distance, they were rude/mean/disrespectful to restaurant staff before all this happened, they throw around the word "empath" like it's nothing, they do nice things and then throw them in peoples' faces after... I wish I could just cut them out completely. They just suck.

Wake n partake

My workplace is deserted because of social distance requirements. I started smoking weed before I go to the office and it has been incredibly helpful for keeping anxiety at bay and helping me refocus. Should have done this 4 wks ago instead of losing so much sleep. I do miss my co-workers who now work from home but hey! A happy substitute lol.

Tough Spot

Someone I know pretty much sucks. Hasn't been physically distancing at all, yet bitches about their business potentially going under. They live in a 2 to 3 million dollar home with a garden and a hot tub, yet they have continued to travel and go to dinner parties and host their own parties (which I have declined to attend). I want to leave them as a friend and as an employee, but I might need the income when this is all over. What do I do...

Helpful hint

After being in a relationship with the poster child for narcissistic personality disorder, I began reading everything that I could about the subject. I got curious about the way my ex wrote in all capital letters. Turns out that graphologists note that it’s typical of sociopaths. It made perfect sense! Now I’m going to be looking at any new person’s handwriting before I get too far in.


I have a friend who knows I can’t say no and pretends to be sympathetic and sensitive to it but asks me for favours constantly knowing I will always say yes when I actually want to scream NO!!

Hanging around a friend

I hung around with my buddy twice a week since this began. Living alone is true isolation and after a few days i blow my top if i dont leave the house.


My hot landlords wife knocked on my door tonight at ten to eleven. I thought my fantasy will be fulfilled but she just wanted cigarettes.

So conflicted

I’m trying so hard to come to terms with a breakup with someone with whom I’ve been involved with in some manner for the better part of 20 years. I mostly initiated it, but only because I was at my wit’s end trying to find some way to truly reach them. Now I’m a basket case because they blocked me from contacting them, but at the same time I know that it wasn’t working and I was right all along. Why can’t I accept what my head has known forever, but my heart has refused to acknowledge?

Another time and place

Sometimes I wish I didn't exist in the here and now, but rather in the there and then. Back when eeking out a "normal" life was possible.


Lunch at Las Margaritas

May 28th lunch at Las Margaritas, we both sat at front window tables. I was there with my friend,...

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