

Search confessions


Don't understand YWCA ? You took the last thing I had left. My integrity. Now I'm going to take what's only ever been important to you ! Your funding and donations and money !! Bring it on! I have finally figured out what my true destiny is, my purpose in life. To take down lieing ,money grubbing organizations like yours ! An organization that really doesn't care about suffering women at all. See you on Monday !! Click click cameras rolling ! Do you have the balls to show up and smile for the camera now ? Popo might apparently ! Kisses Lisa !

The “perfect”partner

I feel people have insane expectations these days when it comes to partners. My roommate just was ranting about her latest Tinder date. How he doesnt drink, and his job is lame and his bad taste in music. She went on to say that she could never be with someone who wasnt passionate about their job etc. I mean, do people have to be perfectly aligned? And so we ALL have to have dream jobs that we love? LOL. No wonder she has been on Tinder for years. I feel like older generations were more accepting of each others flaws and differences. My parents couldn’t be more different but they are still in love over 40 years later! Personally, i dont give a crap if you drink ( i dont) or what your job is. I just want to find a good person who is kind and not pretentious. The petty little details dont matter. Its the big picture.

Thinking back

Someone from the past doesn’t understand why I’m not interested in their attempt to get me to remember “the good times”. Maybe it’s because the memory isn’t as good for me as it apparently is for them. I’m so traumatized from that relationship that all I want to do now is forget it.

Asking coworkers out isn't a crime

In fact, two of my longest relationships have stemmed from an office romance fling. The most important thing is that people respect each other's boundaries, values, and professional paths. I think the government (institutions like universities at least) peddles easy answers and casts office romance in a negative light, but I know plenty of people in long-term relationships because they met at the office.

In Love

I am madly in love with my coworker. I am so attracted to her personality, her smile, her eyes and her sense of humour. She is incredibly beautiful but she doesn't flaunt it even though she is breathtakingly gorgeous. I think about her all the time and wish we could be together!

It’ll be okay

Amy I a shitty person for liking a guy who has a girlfriend? I would never do anything about it, as it seems like they have a great relationship. I saw him the other day unexpectedly and realized I still liked him. If we’re meant to be in the future that would be nice. If not, that’s okay too. I’m happy for them. Mostly!

A beautiful life

As I close my eyes and dream, I am not sitting on a chair typing this. My legs are dangling off the side of a cloud. The ground that I think I feel below my feet is not really there, just the distance between the cloud and the earth. I sit watching peacefully as the world turns. I can't tell which I like more. The bright pockets of lights that are where city hubs are or the greenery of the mountains that are untouched. Life is beautiful. Normalcy is beautiful. Everything I lost over the last few years has returned. Maybe not all for me, but for the community. My heart will be warm this Christmas season and the next few months of the halloweens, the kids birthday, the decorating season will be like starting from scratch. I could not and would not anything else.

I hate being

a human. I hate this seething cess pool of debauchery, chaos, unkindness, filth and pollution. I hate how cruel people are to each other. I don’t want to be part of this anymore. What is the point of having material things when money can’t change the fact that everyone is so mean and petty and in the end it’s all meaningless?

Party of one

If you’ve never been responsible for another human being’s safety and care I think it affects how you interact in the world. The people I know who never had kids or had to take care of another person seem really different than the ones who did. Something about having to put your own wants and needs aside because you’re responsible for someone else definitely changes a person. The people I know who are my age (around 70) who have lived their whole lives only being responsible for themselves just can’t relate to what it’s like to have so many other obligations. They get frustrated and upset because they don’t understand why family stuff interferes with plans for things I might want to do. It’s tedious trying to explain why family illness or crises have to take precedence over a social event or something like that. They’re so used to only having to consider themselves that they just can’t understand what it’s like not to have that option. Like they never had to be responsible to pay for raising a child and take care of them no matter what you might have wanted to do instead. I’m not saying that everyone who didn’t have kids is awful or anything just that we’re not on the same wavelength a lot.


Lunch at Las Margaritas

May 28th lunch at Las Margaritas, we both sat at front window tables. I was there with my friend,...

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