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roommates language

Since Vancouver is an expensive city to be able to live alone, I am seeking to find room mates who don't speak any English - if they complain, I can't understand and if they swear I learn new vocabulary - its win-win.

Monte Lake

I was hitchhiking south with another guy when i was 19 and this couple picked us up in southern Oregon and took us to a Denny's for coffee. He asked us to fuck his wife and we declined. I wonder what that would have been like?

The big kaboom!

I have the feeling something big is going to go off in this world, some huge event either later this year, or by early next year. Maybe Yellowstone will erupt.


I split up with my chick a few months ago. Everyone stopped responding to my texts or inviting me to hang out. At first I was pretty lonely and sad, but after a little while I realised that my world is complete with my cat, camping and dating. It's sad to see how easy it is for people youve ridden hard with, seen death and lived live with and bled with, to cut you out of their lives like the mold on a bread. It turns out You guys weren't real friends anyway, good riddance.

On True Love

I don't think that there's really a "special somebody" for you out there that you are "destined" to be with. I think marriage is essentially just a (possibly subconscious) decision that people make when they are afraid of facing the world by themselves. That or blinded by hormones.

Child Actor

My friend honestly believes that Ryan Reynolds stole his career at the Mouseketeer auditions.

Single Person

I eat most meals alone. It's a function of nutrition, convenience and price. The menu has gotten a little boring. I'm a good cook but what's the point? That many ingredients just go bad in my fridge during the workweek.

It's official

I hate men. And I can safely say it with no worries about how you'll react because 1. it makes no difference and 2. I don't care about your opinions. The tiny windows of goodness in men aren't big enough to clear the room of the stink. It's not always their fault, society has been telling them they're special since the dawn of, well, society. How is that not supposed to go to your head? I'm tired of sexual harassment, I'm tired of having to wonder if my literally saying anything will be misconstrued as flirting, I'm tired of trying to see the good in men when they constantly let me down. I have amazing friends, I'm going to get myself an amazing dildo and I'm going to live an amazing life without tiptoeing around frail male egos any more. Peace.

Missing Person

Sometimes I check the internet and facebook for my highschool sweetheart's name but no-one has heard from them since back in the day.... I hope that they are having/had a good life.

All you Can't Eat

Buffets always look better than they actually are.


Lunch at Las Margaritas

May 28th lunch at Las Margaritas, we both sat at front window tables. I was there with my friend,...

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