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No hope for this world

When you read the comment section on sites like TMZ or even YouTube you realize that there are so many idiots out there. Really makes me feel there is no hope for the future.

Hopeless romantic

I've been in love with my best friend for as long as I can remember. She doesn't feel the same way. Its really, really, hard. I don't tell anyone.


The world keeps proving that I’m wasting my time caring about the environment and the future. Im past having kids so caring about whether yours have clean drinking water or will see an orca is no longer of my concern. I’m embracing my inner nihilist and saying fxck it. What’s the point?

Mr Well Adjusted

There's very little privilege in growing old with one exception. A person gets to the age where they just shouldn't have to have certain conversations anymore. 50 something aged men should not be in a meathead pissing contest. We should have the self-awareness and dignity to not be those men anymore. That's the privilege. We're free from being those insecure scared younger men competing or being bid against one another. Let the kids do it.

Nutchie butchies

I love smearing margarine all over a piece of white bread and then putting a butt load of nutritional yeast on top.

Needs to Change

Most people have no idea how many guys are in bad relationships. They are being verbally and physically being abused on a daily basis and they have nobody to turn to. I was walking on Granville and this girl punched her boyfriend hard in the face for looking at another girl passing by. This was a busy street and not a single person came to his defense or even asked if he was o.k. There was a table full of men and women and they were cheering her on. Imagine if the sexes had been reversed. This guy would have been beaten to a bloody pulp by a mob and the police would have been called and he would have been arrested and put in prison. I am not an incel I am just a guy who thinks abuse happens to both men and women and its not acceptable under any circumstance.

None left for me

I'm so tired. I have little to complain about, I'm grateful to be able to work. But working life is so exhausting, I don't have the energy to be happy in the evenings, and I spend most of the weekend recovering and sleeping to prepare for another week of work. Have things always been like this?

The Mix

Why do soundmen hate guitars so much? Every band seems to have one.

Whats wrong here

Today I attended a high school sporting event. As someone without a family or children it seemed, strange, not odd, but strangely interesting just how much "sports" seems to consume peoples lives. When travelling or reading the world news I see all sorts of things that need to be fixed. The fix needs to come from the everyone and it needs to happen now. We need to set and example for kids and we need them to learn to be leaders today. The problems we're facing in the world, (where consumerism and status it at an all time high) is the majority of people as just looking for satisfying distractions in life. Why are we bring up our kids to "have fun, play team sports, going to malls etc etc. Why are we, old and young all not working together to fix these problems we have created. Why are take-out containers still around and acceptable? Don't get me started on plastic waste, or fast fashion, or how soon we won't be able to grow real food. No, no, no. Some people say, kids need to be kids, bullshit. We don't have time for that now. Everyone, myself included have failed at being a good human and nurturing this world instead of destroying it. All just so life can be easy, carefree and so we can have stuff. oh, and team sports on weekends.

Jian Ghomeshi...Ryan Adams....

I'm a dude and I've known these type of weird toxic guys my whole life.And no we don't like them either.


Lunch at Las Margaritas

May 28th lunch at Las Margaritas, we both sat at front window tables. I was there with my friend,...

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