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light in the darkness

To those I saw with tears flowing over the last week, may peace find you quickly. I tried to show care & concern without imposing on your privacy or sovereignty. Your not alone with those feelings. In the weeks to come when you see me or someone else in your shoes, do your best to pay it forward. you owe me nothing. compassion.kindness.humanity. Strength to all in these times.

Plenty of Fish in the Sea?

Unfortunately my experience has taught me to expect the worst; so, the saying for me goes "Plenty of shit in the sea." It's laughable but I find it helps me to face reality, to accept how people are and not how I think they should be.

Small world

I have an interview next week and recognized one of the associate’s on the firm’s website to be my ex’s boyfriend. We broke up eight years ago. It was the greatest and most fulfilling relationship I’ve ever had but I was young, ignorant and battling my own demons. we’ve talked sporadically over the years and know every relationship and milestone we’ve been through. She knows I’m a doting dad, single and still a workaholic. But the truth is, I love this woman and most likely always will. She emailed me at Christmas saying she’s happy and met the one. I’ll be declining this interview because I really do love her and I wish them the best.

I confess I have 3 wishes for 2021

- COVID vaccine - Biden becomes US president (Trump's madness will just be a nasty footnote in history) - real police reform happens One of the above would make me happy, I know the chance of all 3 is next to zero.

I'm struggling a bit

with my mental health. Doing OK mostly, working out at home every day, lots of walking, even lost a few pounds because I realized I was getting a bit hefty from the extra pandemic eating. But it's the overwhelming onslaught of negative news that's starting to affect me. I'm in my 60's and this is not like any other time in my life, there's a palpable, scary vibe going on. I'm trying to be kind, patient and positive but the only place I feel safe is inside my small apartment.

Tickle your nose hairs

I went for a shot in the dark buying a new cologne online and I took it for a test run this morning at a grocery and department store. I noticed at least one woman from each store that may have been on my scent trail. It's a nice smell; I like it :). Money well spent

Horn Dawg

I get super horny when I'm hungover :-)

Late Spring Downpour

I've never tried this, but I feel like taking a walk out in the rain in my flipflops and swimsuit; fast walk for 15 - 20 minutes; and, then take some bodywash and have a shower on the spot.

Losing my mind

As I get older, my notoriously bad short-term memory is starting to do something weird and unexpected; it seems like every time I make a 'mental note' to do something, my brain ticks it off the "To Do" list as if I've actually done it just by thinking that I should do it. Then, at a later date or time, I think, "I should do that thing" and I realize that I've already had that thought and it didn't get done. For example, today I thought, "I should water that plant." An hour or so later, as I was loading my lunch dishes into the dishwasher, I caught sight of the plant and thought, "I should water that plant... Wait. Have I already watered it?" I check and the damn plant hasn't been watered. I need to start making lists. :-/


Lunch at Las Margaritas

May 28th lunch at Las Margaritas, we both sat at front window tables. I was there with my friend,...

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