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Can't I enjoy my time for a bit?

I have a job in a place that will hopefully one day push me into my dream career, it took me a long time to even contemplate becoming the person I think I deserve/need/am deep inside. I went through a lot and I am pretty proud of myself. I am also learning that I'm not perfect, that I make mistakes and that I am willing to try and do better. Through this job I have met some incredibly wonderful people who have and continue to teach me a lot, I have also met quite a few people I might consider as the kind of people I might want to date someday. Right now, at this age, in this place in my life, I am not ready to date, I am not good at flirting and I really am just looking for friendships, for new experiences and adventures, without the pressure of "should I say something?" about these cute kind of adorable people, and I somehow feel guilty for not expressing interest, I am not sure where it comes from, but I see the expectation in the eyes of at least one person. They are wonderful, kind, twelve kinds of beautiful but I don't want to go through the getting to know you shit, I am not interested in doing the work to build a relationship, it's selfish but I have earned the right. I need to focus on me, on just me, on my dreams, on rebuilding my life, on fixing all the stuff that isn't relationship ready yet. Why in this day and age are people still being made to feel guilty for not rushing into marriage when they hit their thirties? Why isn't it just okay to spend time dating yourself for awhile?

Gender Wars...we have a winner.

I often wonder who’s winning the Gender Wars.... Then the warmer weather comes and along with it the summer dresses. God Damn you look so amazing. You win ladies...all us men can do is beg for mercy!

Blocking Discussions

I hate it when they block comments so they can preach to us. Federal Innovation Minister Navdeep Bains was asked to take off his turbin by the US customs. Most people would agree that, assuming he followed the procedures at the airport, he should be treated respectfully. Sure there are going to be asshole racists out there making dick comments, but we’re also preventing meaningful discussions too. Some people might want to say. Hey that happens to me too. Another person might want to talk about the preception that Canada is soft of security. It healthy discussion. Same thing when ever there are any topics that the papers deem sensitive. Women’s rights, LGBT, etc. Its the lefts attempt to control people’s perception of public opinion. Not everyone thinks the same way on these topics and they know it. The discussions still take place behind closed doors. It’s more about programming and indoctrination at that point.

Proximity does not equal closeness

Yes we sit near each other at work. Yes on the surface we may have a few commonalities like we are bipeds employed at the same location. But it’s really hard to make interesting conversation with you that doesn’t revolve around you. If by chance I’m forced to interact with you I find it 200% work and draining. You’re not funny, you have no idea on current events, you talk about your kids WAY too much, and you never ask jack shit about me. I honestly don’t want to learn anything about the Kardashians or TV shows or how you dressed your kid for school. Please finally get the hint about my earbuds and more importantly, get a life. What’s your passion? What are you excited about in your daily life? If it really is your kids swimming lesson, the office cookies and slagging your boss, were destined to be permanent strangers.

North Van Ferrari Ass

Dudes traveling over 200km and hour and gets a crappy suspension and $750 fine. Sure people make mistakes, but this is the 2nd time too! He’s 23 so clearly he’s a spoiled brat that needs to be taken out back and dealt with the old fashioned way cause the judge isn’t doing his job. The damn expensive lawyer is making excuses for him. The photo has his face covered so he can remain anonymous. Fucking Pussy and fucking pussy judge. When he kills someone we’ll all wonder what went wrong and get this guy some free government counseling. This is where I long for the pre-cell phone ass kicking cop days.

We get along famously with Vietnam now, why not North Korea

I'm hoping that somebody , somewhere, will finally acknowledge that what Donald Trump is doing in arranging a North Korea summit is the best thing that's happened since the end of the Korean War. Business is booming with China, business is booming with Vietnam, why can't we do the same in North Korea. Let him keep his job and let him open up the country and there's a good possibility that everyone can win on that peninsula. The real difficult nut to crack is trying to get those nutters in the middle east to get along with one another. I don't think even Donald can solve that one.

My Type

I feel like I need a tall thin woman in order to socially compete, but I prefer women with a little uh substance. Too bad most women don't love the whole polygamy thing, but I've found a solution. They are very rare, but there are few women out there that look a bit like frogs; long and skinny on the peripherals but sloppy floppy in the middle.

I am rather offended

By the stars, the moon, toothbrushes, and all of the other contentious issues in society.

I am an omnivore

I don't think there's anything that anyone can do about that without resorting to authoritarian styles of thinking that everyone hates.

little Tay

When Sh** t talking on youtube goes wrong... #badparenting


Lunch at Las Margaritas

May 28th lunch at Las Margaritas, we both sat at front window tables. I was there with my friend,...

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