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Cat people

Are people who act like cats. You go in for a friendly pet, and they retreat, reticent and aloof. But when you act that way yourself, they come angling back, tentatively sniffing around and looking for affection. I’m going to act a cat too and meet them on their terms.

I don’t understand

Why When I was walking my toy dog on leash And warned you I was afraid of your off leash pit bull with non friendly energy You would call me a fat old cow

Smartening up

I gotta say that this WiFi dimmer switch in my bedroom is the bomb.

Self Conscious

I started filming the guy controlling the drone at the park until they got uncomfortable and left.


There should be a law where if your workplace is 27+ degrees inside then it's mandatory you have A/C or don't work at all especially when you have to do labour.

Time for one thing

I can either prune the trees outside or my eyebrows and then it's off to errands. What one will I pick? Trees, of course.

Charity Start-up

My experience working at a charity start-up was that I was used for free labour while hoping to land my first real job in an office. I never did land that job. Looking at the WE scandal makes me reminicent of when my eyes were first opened. I know there's tons of good places out there, but I suspect that we don't want to run our charities like corporations or else they start hoarding real estate and creating non-taxable bank accounts like holding funds, etc. Lame. I wish academics studied corporate structures like this. Not the most fun confession, eh?

Bad person

When I think of people who I used to be friends with who gradually kind of dropped out of my life, my first thought is that it must be because I'm a bad person and no one likes me. Truth is, I'll never know the reason.

Things to be happy about:

1) I've never been this connected to my home, and what I choose to have in it 2) I've learned how to cook some pretty decent meals for myself, and for others who appreciate / need it 3) The people who love me have hung around: the people who didn't have f*cked off (thank god) 4) I've really cleaned up those music playlists 5) My houseplants are happy 6) I got off social media and all it's trappings 7) Guilt-free day-long Netflix binges 8) My neighbours have stopped fighting, and I'm glad that means they're happier now too 9) In all this time, I may not have written a novel or gotten into shape or learned a new language or how to bake bread, but I try to do one small thing a day that makes me feel good about accomplishing (today was writing a 'nice' Confession) 10) I have 9 small things that have kept me going so far. Tomorrow, maybe I'll have 10!

Sex Ed

It is sometimes both extremely entertaining and horrifying to hear teens discuss sex and related topics, when they don't think there's any risk of being overheard. Case in point, I heard my teen cousin describe a Christina (piercing) as "Isn't that like a ring through your vagina!?" My thought: Hahaha, WTF! No, honey, that sounds more like a freak accident. I certainly don't know everything, but at their age I was looking up and reading everything! I guess I have an idea of what I could get them as a gift: An illustrated dictionary of erotic piercings and a 1st year university biology textbook. One should at the very least know the difference between a vagina and a (part of the) vulva.


Lunch at Las Margaritas

May 28th lunch at Las Margaritas, we both sat at front window tables. I was there with my friend,...

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