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If people understood the economics they would not support KM pipeline

google Louisiana Offshore Oil Port kinder morgan. Most of the big players in the oil industry have abandoned the tar sands leaving billions of "barrels" in the tar sands and half built projects. Why? Because the USA is now net exporter now and their product is cheaper cleaner and easier to ship in quantity. Alberta will NEVER compete with LOOP. They will have to discount or lose money on every single "barrel" of oil produced in the future. The mainstream media will not report this in Canada. Even the Straight has not reported this despite their favourable position on the environment.


I don't want to have feelings for you, but it's hard when you're one of the best fucking partners I've ever had.

marijuana changed my life

When I first started smoking it was in the seventies, and as a young teen I found that marijuana helped me to realize that I wanted to live a different life than my parents, I wanted to be close to my friends, and I wanted parties fun and excitement in my life. It made me stay away from alcohol which I did not enjoy as much and which felt more out of control. I quit during my final years of high school but during graduation I smoked some home grown and in the next few years also was offered a few tokes. I had little money and did not buy any but at this time I realized it was better as a recreational occassional use drug for me. A couple of years later I met and married my husband and for ten plus years we smoked powerful skunk weed he had access to and it quite frankly made me feel sick of marijuana so I quit forever, or so I thought. After 20 plus years of being looked after by traditional medicine I gave marijuana a try at the dispensary and lo and behold it has enhanced my life, taking away quite a bit of pain and depression, and while the doctor has said there is not much they can do for these symptoms because I cannot take most medicines, I have greatly benefitted from the wise use of marijuana strains that work similarly to prescriptions but without the long term effects and long term side effects so each time I buy some I evaluate what type based on what is available and each strain is different and has a unique characteristic depending on the batch as well, so one has to be vigilant and also when using marijuana I have learned to ration it, be discriminating and also do not take it for granted, it is saving my life by making me feel motivated, less pain-ridden, happier and so on. Of course I have had many years of therapy and other medicine in the past, that is key to knowing how to properly use marijuana. Know thyself.

Missing Your Kiss

You suddenly appeared, pushed me down and kissed me for the longest shortest most beautiful moment. I sat up stunned and breathless looking to see if we were spotted, but it was all just the most vivid dream.


I made amazing food tonight that my ex would have loved and I keep thinking about her while I eat it.

Saying goodbye

Pretty sure I've used up all the shit I bought with the person I loved. Keep looking through my fridge and freezer and cupboards etc but seems to be all gone. Hope that helps me.


I've been on both sides more than a few times in my life, and I don't care what anyone says -- ultimately, it's easier for the person who leaves.

You took my breath away

I’ve been thinking about you a lot lately. Missing you. I saw you from across the street today. You took my breath away. I want you to know, I miss you and think of you each day. I love you and want the world for you, even if it’s not with me.

You're a Nazi...

And probably a psychopath. You don't seem to have any empathy, or conscience. I mean, who brings up racial superiority on a first date? But I haven't had a good - no, any - dick in four, maybe five years, and I think we're both aware that I have a terrible fear of intimacy and a fucking death wish. Maybe that's why I'm leaning so heavily toward calling you back. There's a 50/50 chance of getting fucked or getting killed and either is fine with me. The people who claim they'd 'miss' me would get over it within a week, I'm sure, and my councilor is encouraging me to take calculated risks to get over my anxiety. I never was good at math.


Lunch at Las Margaritas

May 28th lunch at Las Margaritas, we both sat at front window tables. I was there with my friend,...

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