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I Know, it's Only Rock and Roll but

it really annoys me when bands and other acts get on stage dressed like schlubs. When you get on stage wearing a ratty t-shirt and jeans/sweatpants, you're basically telling the audience "fuck you. You paid to come see a show, but we really don't care." And I've found that, more often than not, bands who get on stage looking like they're dressed to hang out at home will give a half-assed performance as if they're bored, and just want to get it over with. Think of that iconic image of the Beatles making their U.S. debut on Ed Sullivan wearing matching suits, Johnny Cash or even The Hives who tried to revive that tradition. That's my idea of performing. The clothing is all part of it. I even appreciate the funkier look of David Bowie or Elton John because it showed that they were making an effort and taking performing seriously. Ditto Neil Diamond with his sequin shirts, Lady Gaga with her wild costumes or even Adele's simple, elegant black dress. I'm not a huge fan of Alice Cooper, KISS or GWAR, but I still appreciate them not getting on stage looking like lazy stoners! If people are paying money to come see you, make an effort please, and look the part.

The worst thing about breaking up

... is losing a best friend, a confidante. I know and can accept that we don't work romantically, but it hurts to the core that I've lost the person I most enjoyed both shooting the shit with and having impassioned conversations with. I hope we can gain that back with time, but I know it's unlikely because there's just too much history there.

Like watching reality tv or reading romantic comedies

I confess I like watching reality tv or reading romantic comedies. I like to because I think romantic comedies are so cute and I often think it would nice to be in one. I like watching reality tv because sometimes the people in reality tv are so over the top or strange that it makes me feel like wow I may not be the best person but at least I'm nothing like the person in the reality tv show. Also huge fan of watching the bachelorette or bachelor show.

Housing in VANCOUVER so hard for pwd

I have a disability. The government gives $375 a month for shelter allowance aka rent. I am too young for senior housing. I'm not indigenous. And am aging out of youth resources which ends at 21 for most places. With my disability I have a lot of stigma around jobs. Therefore finding employment willing to let me give it a go for working is tough. So the government income is around a thousand dollars a month. Take out necessary health like meds leaves just double the shelter allowance of $375 a month. So I don't understand why the housing market is so expensive. Shared places are way over my budget. And any bedroom apts is unfamtomly over my budget. I wish that one or two things would happen in the next few years. One more housing opportunities for people with disabilities and only have the $375 shelter allowance. Or that the shelter allowance would be raised to $500-550 so can possibly get shared housing. Even though nowadays shared housing is going for $700 or more. But at least it would be closer to the housing market. Also one more wish even though a bit off topic. I wish the stigma around disabled people not be great employees or being to much work into training for the job would go down.

You are so boring...

If I have to sit there another date and listen to someone ramble on about their divorce or kids...I get it she sucks, your kids are the best ever, yada yada yada. I just sat through an hour story on how your son got his nickname, (please shot me) while I looked interested and nodded intently. The worst part is I am probably twice as boring, no kids to ramble on about or divorce to be bitter about. I own two companies that I could talk about and put you right to sleep. I also work out a lot, gripping stuff...

The working life

I read that some Harvard alumni hated their professional lives due to meaningless work, bitter cutthroat workplace competition and backstabbing to get ahead. We’re talking about people that make $1.5M USD/year. I can believe it. I work in a US-owned company and while I don’t even make 6 figures, the competition in hierarchical jockeying is fierce. If given the option to be kind or communicate dominance, domininance is chosen most of the time. The drive for profits, promotions, accolades is crazy. Five people have quit this month. Not surprising. In the quest to get the most, earn the most, be seen with the most, it’s almost pathological how some people’s motives are. Some of them are not normal and I avoid them as I consider them a walking talking sickness. They see you not as a person but an instrument for getting ahead at all costs.

Weed stores

Im not sure if anybody has noticed but the gov. Has been closing down all the weed stores in Vancouver. All sneaky like.. Another one on Broadway will be closing tomorrow.. But No gov. weed available yet in shoppers drug store .lol Not that I would bloody buy their substandard weed at Shoppers anyway.. Legalize weed my ass.. Government steps in controling the weed industry again, keeping all the money to themselves, killing the little business owners who started the whole weed movement in the first place.. BULLSHIT..


I am sick and tired of all the corruption that is going on in the world these days. Money laundering, drugs, organized crime, political corruption, judicial corruption, etc. Even the average Joe’s do it with their fraudulent insurance claims, tax evasion, etc. I feel that every human being would break the law at some point if they could and there are really no incentives not to do it. Are there any honest people left on the face of the earth? Rhetorical question, I guess.

To all the door snakes out there

Ya you know who you are. The people that know full well there is someone a foot behind them. Yet snake through the door to ensure that the person behind them gets hit with the door. Seriously this doesn’t even need to be said but with a city full of savages I guess it does. Take a half second from your fantasy life (you know the one where you think someone gives a shit about what you are doing, eating wearing...) 0’s and 1’s is all it is sorry to pop your bubble people. And ensure that you are not letting the door slam on someone’s face. If someone does this to me they either get a nice heal grate or the door slammed on their leg. The choice is yours but you will get one or the other I can guarantee that. So snakes beware.

Lent Season

I gave up Facebook for the lent season. I am on day 2 and it feels so weird to not be connected by social media. it’s harder than I thought.


Lunch at Las Margaritas

May 28th lunch at Las Margaritas, we both sat at front window tables. I was there with my friend,...

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