Vancouver police evacuate areas of the downtown core due to gas leak

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      The Vancouver Police Department evacuated areas of the downtown core around the Law Courts building  this morning in response to a gas leak at the corner of Nelson and Howe.

      The leak was quickly capped and people were allowed to return to the area approximately one hour after the start of the incident.

      According to a message posted on the VPD's Twitter account, authorities removed people from the 900 and 1000 blocks of Granville, Howe, and Hornby streets, and from the 700 and 800 blocks of Nelson Street. The evacuation order applied to a number of buildings, including the Law Courts. People were asked to avoid those areas and traffic was rerouted.

      The leak was reportedly the result of a construction crew puncturing a gas line.

      Shortly after the VPD announced that areas were being evacuated, FortisBC Inc, a natural gas and electricity provider, posted a message on its Twitter account, stating: " Crews have got gas under control at Nelson & Howe. Next step will to begin repairs. Thanks for patience."

      The scene was placed under the control of FortisBC and Vancouver Fire and Rescue Services. A decision on when people could return to affected areas was made by officials with those organizations.

      A second message from Fortis issued roughly one hour after the VPD's initial announcement of the leak stated that the evacuation order was lifted, people were permitted to return to the area, and all roads were reopened to traffic.

      You can follow Travis Lupick on Twitter at
