Juniper Lindquist

Ever try to meet people in Vancouver? You'll have better luck teaching Mí¶tley Crí¼e to read than you will getting someone to talk to you in a bar. So there you stand, wondering "Who are those people I see every time I go to a show?" You're too shy to ask, so we do it for you.

WHO ARE YOU? "Juniper Lindquist."

IN MY 9-TO-5 LIFE I'M A: "Designer/artist. From Web graphics and print media to acrylic painting and costume design-I derive my inspirations from the mysterious inner workings of our grand universe and the beauty of everyday life on earth."

IF YOU'RE BUYING, I'LL HAVE: "An extra-dry gin martini-with lots of olives!"

THE BEST SHOW I EVER SAW WAS: "Full Power, a pre-Shambhala party at the Commodore Ballroom with Lorin Bassnectar, Hoolahoop, El Circo, and Ronin. It was a sweet gathering of my favourite luscious humans! To me, the people make the energy of a show happen just as much as the performers do."

I WISH PEOPLE WOULD SHUT UP ABOUT: "How their success is measured by their finances. Whatever happened to striving for success in relationships (with oneself and others), happiness, and harmony with the world? For me, money is the icing on the cake, but you've got to have soul baked into the bottom layer."

THE LAST CONCERT T-SHIRT I BOUGHT WAS: "I have actually never bought a concert T-shirt. I prefer to let the memory of a show live on in my mind."

IN THE MOVIE OF MY LIFE, I'D BE PLAYED BY: "Audrey Hepburn in her youth. I think she has a poise and grace coupled with a whimsical quirkiness that resembles my own brand of silliness."

MY FAVOURITE MOMENT IN LIFE SO FAR WAS: "Getting married to myself in the Black Rock Desert in Nevada during the Burning Man festival. I wore a fabulous red flamenco-style dress with a full train and veil, red flowers, and red makeup. I rode my Yak-cycle (a black fur-covered BMX bike) into the twilight desert and had a candlelit ceremony all to myself!"
