Lambda Legal compiles actual Shit Homophobic People Say from Santorum, Perry, the Bachmanns, and more

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      You're probably thinking "Not another stinking Shit [various people] Say video!"

      Yeah, we've certainly had every variation conceivable, including Shit Vancouverites Say to Shit Nobody Says. The meme really is the walking dead; it cannot die. (As we speak, there are probably more mindless hordes of videos being uploaded.)

      But this time around, there's a Shit video with a purpose. It's not to entertain. It's not a joke. It's all real.

      The U.S.–based organization Lambda Legal was founded in 1973 and fight to protect and advance the rights of queer people and those with HIV.

      They've compiled TV clips of public figures expressing their discriminatory and prejudicial views on LGBT people.

      Among those included are Republican presidential candidates Rick Perry and Rick Santorum, both Michele and Marcus Bachmann, Ann Coulter, and former SNL–cast member Victoria Jackson.

      Opinions range from calling queer people "barbarians" to suggesting that HIV was invented as a way to research funding.

      Here it is. Try not to get too outraged. We dare you.

      You can follow Craig Takeuchi on Twitter at You can also follow the Straight's LGBT coverage on Twitter at




      Jan 13, 2012 at 2:21pm

      I can't even listen to this shit!

      Arthur Vandelay

      Jan 13, 2012 at 3:38pm

      Dare not to be outraged? I dare you not to fall asleep ... there's nothing new in there ... just the same babble we been hearing from farm people for years ... zzzzzz ...

      (No disprecect intended to enlightened people who actually live on farms)

      M. Bizon

      Jan 13, 2012 at 6:52pm

      Once again the contrived term “homophobic” is dredged up in an attempt to categorize anyone who disagrees with any aspect of the homosexual lifestyle as mentally disordered.

      Social Marxist Newspeak at it’s finest.

      @Arthur Vandelay

      Jan 13, 2012 at 7:21pm

      I am convinced Victoria Jackson is a performance artist.


      Jan 15, 2012 at 12:55pm

      On the bright side... They all have grey hair, they'll be gone soon enough


      Jan 16, 2012 at 2:05pm

      @ M. Bizon - Did you even watch the video? I agree that terms can often by thrown out there as a form of "newspeak" to categorize all people who show even the slightest hint of disagreeing with a point-of-view. But that's clearly not what this is about. You can disagree with a lifestyle but you cannot nor should not inflict your will and influence to tread on the inherent rights of those abiding by said lifestyle. The people in this video are doing just that. To mark it down as a simple "disagreement" is disingenuous at best.

      M. Bizon

      Jan 17, 2012 at 1:09am


      Yes, I watched the video. How exactly are these people inflicting their will and influence to "tread on the inherent rights of those abiding by said lifestyle."? Also, nowhere did I get the impression that any of them had a medically diagnosable anxiety disorder or a psychiatric illness, which is what a phobia is. And yet there it is, the contrived term "homophobic" right there in the title of the article, being used to smear them all with that same brush.

      Disingenuous? I think not.


      Jan 19, 2012 at 2:04am

      @M. Bizon LEARN TO SPELL!

      Its, not it's. Hint: no possessive pronoun includes an apostrophe. You would not write "her's" or "our's," for instance.

      On to your "point" about "Marxist Newspeak" (and learn to speak English before you start criticizing the language of others): "homophobic" is a word defining those who have a hatred of homosexuals. You can cry all you want about the etymology, about how your hatred of gays isn't a phobia. Go ahead. While you're at it, point out how "anti-semitic" is poorly derived (arabs are also semitic), and how "inflammable" and non-flammable" mean the same thing.

      While you're being a pedant, and we're all casually ignoring your pedantry, maybe you can explain how the simple redefinition of a word will settle every argument for a class of people. Because if it can, I have a paying job for you. If it can't, please get off your lame horse and start learning your possessive pronouns. It's a 3-letter word, idiot. It's not rocket surgery.

      M. Bizon

      Jan 24, 2012 at 3:40pm


      Quite the tirade of grammar review lessons in response to my simple typo. I’m sure it gave you a great surge of self-righteous indignation though.

      “"homophobic" is a word defining those who have a hatred of homosexuals.”

      It’s an all-purpose multi-defined smear word (like “anti-Semite”) used to stifle any legitimate debate and to shout down your opponents with. In other words, Social Marxist Newspeak asshole.

      “about how your hatred of gays”

      How did you manage to construe that from my earlier posts? Then again, why use logic when you can just scream HOMOPHOPIA!!!!!!

      I think the bigger question is why you and your ilk have to resort to inventing these type of terms in the first place. As long as there is so much as a modicum of free speech left, I intend to hammer these points home time and time again. So deal with it…or ignore it at your leisure.

      And thanks for your paying job offer, but I’ve already got one!