It's simple

Tired of people regretting the mistakes they`ve made, whether it be cheating, not taking action, blah blah. I feel sorry for you as much as you feel sorry for yourself. I`m not trying to be a hard ass, but it`s simple… KNOW WHAT YOU WANT. Sober, drunk, whatever. If you know what you want, you will do everything to not mess it up. That simple. And if you do mess up, and many of us go through this at some point, pick yourself up and make the decision to not learn the same damn lesson over and over again.


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Why so mad bro?

Oct 29, 2014 at 1:49pm

Angry post is angry.


Oct 29, 2014 at 2:31pm

Actually wasn't an angry post. Just tired of people acting like theyre victims of their own decisions.

Oy Gevalt

Oct 29, 2014 at 2:54pm

Regrets are entirely pointless. We all screw up, miss things, don't quite achieve what we want, etc.

That's life and sh!t happens, but wasting time and energy regretting those things is futile.

15 6Rating: +9

Thank you

Oct 29, 2014 at 10:34pm

Great post. Ballsy and true. Nice one! Victimhood went out of style in 1999. xo

8 8Rating: 0

@Thank You

Oct 31, 2014 at 11:46am

So your argument is that there are no victims? Bullshit. Go to the maternity ward and look at all the crack babies, go sit in a courtroom, go to a Federal Pen on Visitor's Day. There are many people out there who just happened to be victims of some pretty scary ass people.

3 6Rating: -3

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