No female friends

I am a woman and I have given up on having any close female friends. During a time of my life when I was going through some very intense, terrible personal stuff, I was shown some of the most fair-weather behaviour I've ever seen; a couple of pals whom I thought were close to me wanted nothing to do with me. Stopped wanting to hang out, didn't offer me any support, didn't even ask how I was doing even though I'd been there for them MANY times. During a time of my life when I had my shit really together, lost a ton of weight, looked good, and felt confident, a friend I had for 14 years decided she was tired of me and stopped speaking to me. During a time when I went to visit a friend in another country whom I have been friends with since the age of 16--and it was my first time visiting her in nearly 4 years, as I had been unable to afford it--she abruptly left the city claiming she had "work stuff" but it turned out she was meeting a new guy under clandestine circumstances. She lied to me, literally abandoned me, and all this during the first time I visited her in ages. I hate to betray my gender, but I trust women far less than I trust men. That's it. I get along with men and I know that, as friends, they will never fuck me over. There's no bullshit or backstabbing or betrayal. I've got a serious boyfriend and some solid male friends (straight and gay) and that's all I need; I am not interested in making any more girlfriends, as I have been hurt by them so badly. And it's awful, really awful, because I need them; I need to talk about my boyfriend; I need to gossip and catch up and give/receive advice and go out for dinner and dance and do all the things I used to do with my girlfriends that I just can't do with men. But I was burned so badly all I can do is avoid them. I have no idea how to deal with this, how to trust women again. Lacking their friendship has created a gigantic hole in my life.


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May 5, 2015 at 4:21pm

Our society claims to emancipate women on one hand while encouraging women to destroy one another. They emancipate by telling us "you can have it all!" thereby planting unrealistic expectations in young women. At the same time, there's a ton of money to be made in telling women they're not good enough, thin enough, pretty enough, or hip enough. So women compare themselves to other women. Insecurity+sense of entitlement leads to haterade. The other problem is that they've brainwashed us into thinking that men and male attention are scarce resources, and to value ourselves based on our ability to obtain these resources. Hence the betrayal and backstabbing.

In telling us we can be #1, they're encouraging us to annihilate each other to get there.


May 5, 2015 at 4:22pm

I could have written this myself. You don't need girl friends. It's better to be alone than surround yourself with people like that.


May 5, 2015 at 4:43pm


Same Here

May 5, 2015 at 5:42pm

There are very few females I have anything in common with, so maintaining genuine friendships with them is rare. Generally, guys are way easier to be around.


May 5, 2015 at 6:03pm

This just breaks my heart knowing that I am not alone in this. Those of you who have downvoted have clearly never experienced this sort of toxic female crap, which should NOT exist, and which is maybe a Great Unspoken in our social discourse. The few commenters who say they have gone through the same thing make me feel less alone and crazy.

If you are a woman with a whole group of loyal female friends and you think what I'm saying is bullshit, by god, count your blessings, but know that there are some of us who have the opposite experience. I want what you have.

If you are a man who thinks this is just a woman with personality problems and yet another example of how 'pathetic' we 'chicks' are, you just have no idea. You are also not the sort of men I am friends with, because the men I hang with are some of the most ultimate examples of humanity.

I guess that's it. I just want some good, awesome, supportive, loving girlfriends.

Totally understand you

May 5, 2015 at 6:41pm

I could have written your post.

There are men who hate women, and then there are women who hate women. I've experienced pretty much the whole gamut of backstabbing female friends throughout my 20s and 30s.

You're right: friendship with men is simple and uncomplicated. I've enjoyed my friendships with males so much more easily than "dealing" with the latent hostility amongst my female friends.

A few years ago, I decided that enough was enough. Even though I am still invited out by these sabotaging types, I don't make time for them anymore. And then it led to change: I met some very wonderful female friends who will ask me what souvenir I would like while they travel back to their hometown, who bring my husband a LUNCH when we hang out, who ask me my opinions on life, etc. In short, I found better people.

I'm feel your pain that you feel completely let down and abandoned by these so-called friends. But consider it a gift: you are now free of them. They will not waste your time anymore. They're out of your life. The good thing is that you'll see the red flags much sooner now, and won't invest yourself. You've now got the free space for better people to enter your world. The trust will return slowly. You sound like a good person. You'll find a new tribe.


May 5, 2015 at 6:45pm

Lot of women seem to profess self hatred in one way or but don't have any problem being choosy with partner. Which means in many occasions, this is just public act of vanity or hyppocratic act of disingenuous humility.
All the crap about "societal" negativity about women is capital at its best. It the greedy people trying to sell stuff to women. Those to actually listen o this are just hopelessly dumb.
@Same Here
Be aware most men become "friend" with women have ulterior motives.

Hey OP...

May 5, 2015 at 7:33pm

You are NOT alone, as you can see!! I have experienced the same thing. I had some "great" friends when i was fun and supportive of their problems. But I go through a really though year or two and decide to divorce my hubby. (That i still and will always love by the way) Because we never see each other and what do i get. I get judged because i met someone else who had time for me. I get NO support. Even my mom, my mom!!! my fricking MOM decides tell me she doesn't want to hear about it. So those people, the people i knew for years, I found out how much they cared. I wish them well but have no use for them in my life. I found new people that supported me and wern't just around for the good times or that judged me. They are still in my life.


May 5, 2015 at 7:50pm

Why is that a thing these day, I have friends "straight and gay"? Why do we feel the need to share labels of our friends? I have 7 friends...
These two are gay
This one is a straight
That one there is a transgender
And those three are still confused

But they're all my friends. I'm so sociably accepted.

Hey girl

May 5, 2015 at 8:57pm

Me too. You're not alone. I've put so much effort into my friendships with my girlfriends and am devastated every time I need them, but can't rely on them. I always thought there was something intrinsically wrong with me, but I am a good friend. I can't blame myself for all these unknowns.

Here's to all finding those who will be true friends to you.

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