I'm too into him ?

I have a big strong bf , and like everyone else he has flaws but we fit well together . The issue I have is that everyone I know seems to think that because I only see him and no one else , and that he only wants to be around me as a huge problem ! He isn't into having any guy friends and didn't even before we met . And although I mIss some of my friends , and try to make time for them when he is at work , I find I just want to be around him . I love trying to make the house perfect for him , and arrange his fav things so he'll smile when he comes home . What's the freaking problem with that ???????????? He isn't abusive in any way , in fact he won't allow anyone to even speak poorly to me . And he tells me how much he loves me and that I'm hot and the woman of his dreams everyday ! Who wouldn't want that ?


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Marcella M

Sep 18, 2012 at 8:35am

How long have you been seeing him? I think if it's just the beginning of your relationship it's normal to only want to be around him. There is nothing wrong with your guy being your best friend. I think it's great that you love one another. You need to remember that sometimes other people will say nasty things because they are jealous and just want to bring you down. That said, it is important in the long run that you guys do spend time with other people besides one another. You could start by inviting some mutual friends over for dinner or drinks, or go out somewhere in a group. Then you still get to be around one another but also in a group with other people. If you rely on one another to meet all of your emotional needs, it will spell trouble sooner or later.

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Sep 18, 2012 at 2:57pm

This is besides the point, but the English language is disintegrating every day, and you are one of the reasons why. Maybe he likes you too much because of your English speaking abilities. :)

1 1Rating: 0


Sep 18, 2012 at 3:30pm

Oh God.

1 1Rating: 0

english ? f u

Sep 18, 2012 at 5:42pm

people who correct others posts r sad assholes , get a fucking grip and get over yourself !

1 1Rating: 0


Sep 18, 2012 at 10:15pm

You are only responsible for your own happiness. If you and your boyfriend are happy, then enjoy it. I would ignore what other people might want as far as your relationship with your boyfriend is concerned. Many happy couples are torn apart by meddling family and friends.

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