Holiday discs 2014: Magnus Carlsson's Happy Holidays

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      Magnus Carlsson
      Happy Holidays

      How the hell is Magnus Carlsson from the land of lingonberry jam and impossible-to-assemble furniture? The former Euro boy-bander not only sings in perfectly accentless English on Happy Holidays, but would also rather rehash “White Christmas” than treat the world to “Gor Porten Hog, Gor Dorren Bred”, “Strålande Jul” or “Dotter Sion, Fröjda Dig”. Carlsson isn’t exactly overly animated as a vocalist—lushly rendered songs like “O Holy Night” are delivered in a sleepy croon that suggests Perry Como after six glasses of glögg and a half-dozen roofies—but if you’re looking for something to offset the screaming, heart-attack-inducing rage while you look for a nonexistent December 24 parking spot at IKEA, this will do the trick.
