C.R. Avery takes over Joe’s Cafe every Saturday in January

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      C.R. Avery has scored arguably the best possible venue to debut his musical, Some Birds Walk for the Hell of It. Every Saturday in January, the local poet, rapper, and quasi Broadway star is taking over Joe’s Cafe on Commercial Drive.

      “One of the last joints standing,” as Avery put it in a call to the Straight, name-checking Nick’s Spaghetti House as another nearby citadel of old Vancouver. “I like the angle that it used to be the fuckin’ spot. That’s where k.d. lang played pool every day. You talk to that ’80s scene; everyone hung at Joe’s,” he said.

      “I took this crazy gamble to do this in an old-school joint. If you do the Fox Theatre, or some hip joint, no one’s going to go, ‘Oh, you have nuns stripping; you have this beatbox-harmonica with Sinéad O’Connor ripping up a picture of the pope’—no one’s gonna give a shit, but I’m doing it at fuckin’ Joe’s! You gotta see it, it’s beautiful.”

      The show, based partly on Avery’s recently published book of poems, is nominally concerned with gentrification, with stripping nuns obviously being one of the more conventional indicators that your neighbourhood is about to be ravaged by developers. More importantly, Some Birds, which also features burlesque divas Melody Mangler and Violet Femme, sounds like a whole bunch of ever-so-slightly-naughty fun.

      “Everything’s a song and dance,” promised Avery. “Every number is a big show tune. We took Ain’t Misbehavin’ and gave it a shot of heroin so it’s even more dirty. Me, I’m going to dance rehearsals every day so I’m in the chicken coop with Melody Mangler and I’m lovin’ it because I’m getting in shape, but then I’m taking the girls and we sit around the piano for two hours working on harmonies. We’re pushing all three of us to be triple threats. The range of these girls is unbelievable. Anything I throw at them. It’s amazing.”

      Some Birds is billed on the poster as a “rock show”, but that doesn’t sound accurate. “No,” said Avery, “call it ‘fisting mediocrity with awesomeness’.”



      Bad Role Model

      Jan 10, 2015 at 12:26pm

      It is pretty indecent that the straight would use a photograph of someone smoking a cigarette. Tobacco is one of the leading causes of preventable death in our world today. There's nothing "cool" or "hip" about smoking tobacco.

      As for talking about heroin in that way, heroin isn't "dirty", nor does it make things "dirty."

      To top it off, Joe's Cafe is a place where caffeine addicts get their fix of one of the most addictive stimulant drugs in the world---the Evil Drug of The Man.

      I think we need more Acid Tests or something, this is pathetic.

      Saw It. Not Impressed.

      Jan 10, 2015 at 5:04pm

      Avery tries to come off as intelligent and artsy but really this show is just a mashup of a bunch of mediocre random old pieces of C.R. babble, combined with burlesque to somehow give it an edge. C.R. wants so badly to be Leonard or Dylan but ends up being a much less funny version of Trailer Park Boys, with even more offensive and boring stereotypes. Not to mention the idea that this male "poet" "curating" a "burlesque show" is somehow more respectable than a pimp running a strip club. Notice how the only story here is that this "quasi star" is doing this show at Joe's rather than a traditional venue? Do you know why he's doing it at Joe's? It's because he tried to do the same show at a real venue and they lost their shirts on it. The main thing Avery is good at is spinning.

      Shon Togan

      Jan 11, 2015 at 12:29am

      He should call it the "A Lesbian, a Kiss and The Hose" show if he's really interested in history.