Pop culture: If Life gives you lemonade, don't drink this lemon of a beverage

Thumbs down on the new Life brand lemondade with lime and mint (355 mL, $0.79).

When I saw it on the counter at Shoppers, I thought ooh, there's an interesting idea.

Even though it says it's naturally flavoured, and lists sugar, lemon juice, lime juice from concentrate, and natural flavour in its ingredients, it has a very artificial flavour. And it leaves a strong, cloying aftertaste.

The mint is very slight, and hard to discern.

Another staff member who had previously tried it and was also turned off. (At least it didn't taste like the discontinued Sprite Ice, which tasted like mouthwash. But a bit more mint would have been refreshing.)

Well, good idea but hopefully they'll improve the flavour or reinvent it.

