Pirates Don't Change Diapers

By Melinda Long, with illustrations by David Shannon. Harcourt, 32 pp, $19.95.

Little Bonney Anne is a screamer, with a full diaper and fuller lungs, and more than a match for a boatload of pirates in need of treasure-map-reading. Her brother, Jeremy Jacob, is up for the task, but there's a cost. "'Babysit?' Braid Beard scratched his head. 'Pirates don't sit on babies!' 'NO SITTIN' ON BABIES!' hollered the crew." Little ones will love the mighty mite dragging Braid Beard around by the chin hair in this visually rich sequel to How I Became a Pirate, and if you've got access to a group, get them yelling along at top volume to the crew's replies. Yar-har! Suggested ages: four to eight.

