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      When you’re from the Brooklyn hipster hub of Williamsburg and you put out a record produced by TV on the Radio’s resident studio wizard, Dave Sitek, people are going to pay attention, even if said record is made up of 90 minutes of you farting loudly into a microphone. Thankfully, Telepathe’s Dance Mother isn’t anywhere near as flatulent as that. Instead, Melissa Livaudais and Busy Gangnes specialize in an indie-friendly brand of synth-pop that’s anchored by hip-hop–inspired beats and features lyrics about blowjobs and murder. Seriously. Just how scenester-friendly is Telepathe? Well, let’s just say that when the duo plays the Biltmore on Tuesday (June 9), the streets of Mount Pleasant will be more deserted than Barkerville after the Gold Rush.



      Jun 4, 2009 at 10:03pm

      just saw telepathe at the elmo in toronto - you girls SUCK!!! we waited over an hour for twenty-five minutes of uninspired garbage. NOBODYS don't have the right to complain about SHIT, and these two decide they're going to pull a hissy fit about some sound problems? You're in a CLUB that has CLUBS on either side and a CLUB on the second floor! What the fuck did you EXPECT, a fucking monastery-like SILENCE? this "band" isn't worth anybody's time. WASTE OF TWELVE BUCKS.

      8 6Rating: +2