Extremely rare Led Zeppelin t-shirt sells for $10,000

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      I love rock t-shirts. They're by far the main element of my wardrobe, and I'd be wearing one right now if I hadn't have woken up with a hankering to promote Pabst Blue Ribbon today instead of Thin Lizzy for a change.

      I don't buy them willy-nilly, though. If I go to a concert and I see a t-shirt that I really like, I'll hold back from laying down my 30 or 40 bucks until after the show. Only if it's been an amazing performance by the band in question will I cough up the cash. I guess that's why I've got so many Drive-By Truckers and Gov't Mule T's in the closet.

      Then there's that extremely rare Led Zeppelin t-shirt that was recently sold on e-Bay to some joker in Australia for a record-breaking ten grand. According to Blabbermouth.net the shirt was sold by Kyle Ermatinger of Stormcrow Vintage, and it was "printed in limited quantity as a unique way to replace conventional backstage passes for one of the band's historic 1979 Knebworth House concerts." Big deal. The LZ logo on the front sucks. What's wrong with that image of the Hindenberg exploding that Zep used on the first album? That's what cool t-shirts are made of.

      Anyway, it guess it's nice that Ermatinger--who originally bought the shirt for $123--made himself a tidy profit. To quote one of the commenters on Blabbermouth.net: "I've got a cigarette butt Page tossed off stage in 1974. It's been framed in a glass case, and has a DNA tested certificate of authenticity. Let the bidding begin."

      You can follow Steve Newton on Twitter at twitter.com/earofnewt.




      May 11, 2011 at 5:06pm

      Always gotta be someone pissing on the parade. If you knew the slightest thing about the logo on the front you'd realize how much better it actually makes it.

      Just stick to purchasing new shirts from hot topic and lay off the commentary on the old ones - because you haven't the faintest idea what you're talking about - and a piss poor journalist who doesn't even want to learn about the roots of rock.

      Steve Newton

      May 11, 2011 at 9:43pm

      are you blind, Chucklebunch? It's an ugly-ass shirt!

      Jimmy Page

      May 12, 2011 at 2:07am

      Holy shit my fans are fucking crazy...