We need to keep our thinking helmets on

In his letter on Afghanistan [Jan. 18-25], Brian Jones wrote that Canadians should “not even think about the issues inside the Pakistani border region, which can only be solved by diplomatic means”. It is curious advice, indeed, that we should “not even think” about major strategic challenges to Canada’s mission, such as Taliban bases in Pakistan. “Not thinking” has led to many military disasters, including the Bay of Pigs, Vietnam, and Iraq.

As for solving the problems with Pakistan’s border regions “by diplomatic means”, this is about as likely as George W. Bush renouncing his presidency and material goods, becoming a vegan Buddhist, and wandering the world preaching strict nonviolence.

Since 9/11, the U.S. administration has been pressuring Pakistan to assert military control over these border districts, with little success. For starters, Pakistani President Pervez Musharraf does not wish to provoke internal conflicts which would topple him from power. Why would this change now?

> James Young / Vancouver
