Meet Guy Gavriel Kay

Updated February 17

The event was huge fun, with a good audience and a pumped GGK. But don't take my word for it; Boris Mann was cell-blogging in real time. Hit his site for a lengthy precis of Kay's remarks. Here are a few for flavour:

The idea that writers need to draw upon life, for the creative process. How can any of us write anything but autobiography? Comes down to imaginative empathy. To think yourself into the head of someone else.

Always been interested in the layering of history. The cathedral of Aix-en-Provence is built on top of a Roman forum which is built on the destroyed ruins of a Celtic place.

An engaging novel will include interesting things happening to interesting people. Many best sellers have interesting happenings, many contemporary "literature" novels have interesting people. I see it as one process.

Publish Date: January 23, 2007

Toronto fantasy author Guy Gavriel Kay is coming to Vancouver with his latest novel, Ysabel. The Vancouver Writers Festival sent me a copy of the beautiful poster to promote the event. It's below (click on the image below for a larger version). To find out how you could come meet GGK (that's an acronym; I just made it up) - and hey, me too - on Thursday, February 15, click the link above.

