Add your signature to the March on Washington

Wasn't George Bush's State of the Union address on Tuesday fun? Exciting? Not just a promise to burn more coal and make everyone pay for their health care, but the call for a citizen militia in preparation for a draft to fight in the Middle East. Kewl!

If you're less than pleased with the hawkish direction of POTUS, you might want to check out the below...

Dear friends,

This Saturday, hundreds of thousands of Americans will march on Washington DC to demand peace and justice in Iraq and the Middle East. The global partnership Avaaz is working to raise a worldwide voice of solidarity through an international virtual march. Time is short, so add your voice and join the march today!

Join the global peace march

Avaaz supporters in Washington have offered to carry real banners and placards at the US demonstration—showing how many internet marchers from all round the world are joining in. We will carry the flag of each country that generates more than 500 internet marchers, so tell your friends!

As American opposition to this war mounts, Avaaz has mobilized over 45,000 people from over 100 countries to join the call to oppose Bush's military escalation and demand a real plan to end this war.

Can we get 75,000—even 100,000 people from round the world to join the march before Saturday?

This could signal the rebirth of the US peace movement. We need to show them the world is on their side. Let's bring our call for peace to the streets of power in Washington. Join the global peace march and tell your friends today!


–Eli Pariser Political Action
