Just because she's drunk doesn't mean she wants to fuck

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      Expect to see this poster if you go clubbing or barhopping this summer in Vancouver.

      Developed by the Sexual Assault Voices of Edmonton Committee, this poster and three others are being put up in entertainment district establishments for July and August.

      One of the posters reads "Just because she's drunk, doesn't mean she wants to f**k" in bold letters.

      The message is aimed at men between the ages of 18 and 25.

      According to Vancouver police, reports of sexual violence increase during the summer months.

      The police are carrying out this campaign in partnership with Barwatch, Battered Women’s Support Services, Women Against Violence Against Women, and the B.C. Women’s Hospital Sexual Assault Service.

      Let's hope the message sticks.

      You can follow Stephen Hui on Twitter at twitter.com/stephenhui.




      Jul 8, 2011 at 6:06pm

      Great! Now how am I supposed to get laid! I kid I kid


      Jul 8, 2011 at 7:35pm

      I was usually "that guy" but in reverse; meaning I got too drunk and couldn't hit on a woman before I either passed out, or puked. What a loser I "was," now I'm lucky to even be awake after 10:00 p.m. I think the targeted age group is pretty accurate. It's time the ladies started having a good time too, without all this assault nonsense. Way to go Vancouver!

      Taxpayers R Us

      Jul 8, 2011 at 9:46pm

      Counter poster:

      "Just because you're a woman, it doesn't mean you're not accountable for your actions. Drunk or not."

      We've been having this fight since the mid 80's, when feminist statistics were proven to be falsified and exaggerated.

      Just a Girl

      Jul 9, 2011 at 1:03am

      Just because....
      I smiled at you.,
      danced with you,
      accepted, when you bought me a drink
      Doesn't mean
      I am going home with you.


      Jul 9, 2011 at 7:16am

      This sensational ad makes it seem that a drunk woman is always passive and helpless. I'm sure that the sponsors of this ad are the same people behind the recent ill-conceived Slutwalk.

      The reality is that drunk women can be very sexually aggressive.

      Just because she isn't saying "no" because she is drunk and out-of-control now means that when sobriety sets in, she can blame the guy because posters like this tell us that he's the one who's at fault and accountable. This poster sets up potential for unwarranted blame towards men as the ideology of the day reinforces the notion of women as victims.

      The target age that this poster is focusing on is a tumultuous and confusing time for men when hormones are out of control. I see a lot of energy spent on demonizing this group, yet these same men receive little to no constructive help, support and understanding about their sexuality in their life. Instead they depend on what society tells them, which involves lots of mixed messages about masculinity and guileful negative attack ads by Feminist groups. It sucks to be a guy and I'm glad I'm not one...


      Jul 9, 2011 at 12:00pm

      I've known numerous women, who could drink me under the table, but I was never taken advantage of...sigh.

      Reality Checker

      Jul 9, 2011 at 4:49pm

      If a man got obnoxiously drunk and got himself beaten up in a fight, he would be told he brought the consequences on himself.

      So why not treat women equally? The caption on the above picture should correctly read: "Don't get this drunk, or you will bring the consequences on yourself."

      Why not just teach young women to drink and behave responsibly?


      Jul 9, 2011 at 5:25pm

      Some of these comments give me the chills, proving the need for the ads. You obviously don't have daughters.


      Jul 9, 2011 at 6:37pm

      Uhhh, you need to check your own reality there. A girl can't be raped if she's inebriated?

      If a guy got himself beat up, those that gave him the beating are still committing assault, whether he brought it on himself or not.

      I suppose it's a woman's fault too if she gets roofied at a bar. Should have known better than to leave the house, right, RC?


      Jul 9, 2011 at 8:18pm

      @Reality Checker. I certainly wouldn't consider that the correct caption! I can understand the frustration when blame and focus is put on one group and another is given free rein to do as they please without accountability. I hope that you just didn’t articulate what you wanted to say properly.

      I think that the message that BOTH genders need to know and understand in this vulnerable target age group is that sexual encounters while drunk in the sexually charged nightclub/bar scene is risky and can lead to victimization to BOTH men and women. BOTH genders need to learn the importance to drink and behave responsibly.

      I'm not discounting the need to protect women, however men can become victims too and this side of the coin isn't given exposure or awareness. Emotionally charged, shock value posters like these are just regular propaganda tactics by Feminist groups that provide one-sided misleading information and are harmful in many ways.