PETA to launch porn site—for the animals, of course

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      These days, People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals is known for its naked protests as much as its work on animal rights.

      Now comes word PETA plans to take things a few inches deeper.

      Buried in a Reuters story about the new .xxx top-level domain is this news: the organization is registering

      Spokesperson Lindsay Rajt told the news agency that PETA plans to launch a pornography site that raises awareness of animal concerns.

      So, apparently, there's much, much more where this came from:

      You can follow Stephen Hui on Facebook and Twitter.




      Aug 17, 2011 at 3:50pm

      PETA's sole purpose in the world is to raise money. The two best ways to raise money in the world today - drugs and sex.

      The notion that PETA cares about the ethical treatment of animals is utterly laughable. It is a fundraising scam, par excellence.


      Aug 17, 2011 at 8:17pm

      DavidH, time to do some research. The head of PETA, Ingrid Newkirk, has never made more than $35,000 a year. The same applies to other employees in head positions. For outreach events I have requested material from PETA in the past (leaflets, stickers, brochures) and they have never charged me a cent. They run numerous websites, run campaigns and create material for issues worldwide. You can have your issues with their message but don't blatantly make things up.


      Aug 18, 2011 at 11:47am

      PETA made a great show with throwing paint on women wearing fur coats at events and theaters.......would love to see them try that for all the leather at a bike rally......I'd laugh my ass off as they get beat to a pulp!