Zoetrope: The Curiosity of Puppet Oddities



To Apr 2


Admission by donation


Theatre, Performing Arts

Step into the 1930's circus sideshow: home to the strange and bizarre, the lost and the found. In this gritty, mysterious world, and under the direction of Stephanie Elgersma and Shizuka Kai, the 4th term students of Studio 58 will use three-person, shadow, and object puppetry to explore the curiosity of puppet oddities through a story of love, death, or both.


Now in its 17th season, the Risky Nights Series is designed as a bridge between classroom work and main stage productions. At the conclusion of their second year of training, students have an invaluable opportunity to create every aspect of an original theatre piece from start to finish with a professional director, and perform it for an intimate audience.

For tickets to Risky Nights call the Studio 58 Box Office Information Line: 604.323.5227