How to support local this Boxing Day

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      While perhaps getting overshadowed by Black Friday, Boxing Day is nonetheless a great opportunity to take advantage of amazing deals. This post-Christmas tradition is also a great opportunity to support local businesses. Here are some easy tips for how to do it.


      Check out your neighborhood shops—boutiques, art galleries, soap or apothecary stores, and even pet shops. Look for unique gifts and take advantage of special Boxing Day promotions.

      Dine at local restaurants

      Enjoy a meal at a local restaurant or order takeout from a small business that is not part of a chain. 

      Browse websites and Instagram

      If you are an online shopper, look for your favourite stores online or on social media. Often local businesses (especially with smaller followings) advertise on their social accounts, or have Shopify links you can purchase from. 

      Gift cards

      If you aren’t sure what to get, you can always purchase a gift card at a local business—be it a store or a restaurant—and use it later. Many places offer e-gift cards, which you can buy from the comfort of your home.

      Promote on social media or write a review

      Perhaps you are not in the shopping mood, but want to bring awareness to some of your favourite local businesses. Share sales you find on your social media, or provide recommendations to others so that local shops feel the community love. Another option is to take a moment to write positive reviews for your favorite BC businesses. Your feedback can boost their online presence and attract more customers.


      Instead of purchasing an item, consider buying an experience from a local service provider—think spa treatments, workshops, or outdoor adventures. Many hotels and spas have gift card purchase options available on Boxing Day, which means you can buy something now and treat yourself later. Win-win.
