Pet of the week: Rio and Rosamie

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      I am Rio and the short-haired dog is my adopted sister Rosamie. We arrived from sunny Puerto Vallarta around two years ago and lord knows why we had to be adopted out in rainy Vancouver—it’s too chilly here. I was adopted first and then my mum wanted to foster. I secretly knew she would suck at that as her heart is soft and she cries whenever animals die in movies. One day, a thick-necked, beige Chihuahua arrived for foster—I hated her immediately.

      A family tried to adopt Rosamie at her adoption event once but my mum got jealous and pried her out of a little girl’s arms. Rosamie is my hermana now. We often cuddle by the fire and I lick her ears every day so that she can hear when I bork at her.

      Our favourite past times include searching for grub (small bugs) in the grass when mum takes us out to pee, chewing on wooden chair legs, licking human faces, and whippin’ around the local trails. Rosamie likes to bite onto my harness when we run so I drag her around like a whalesucker on a blue whale.

      If we could tell Straight readers anything, it would be to open their hearts up to dog adoption and perhaps give grub a try. They are tasty.

      Submit your pet here to be featured here.

      While it's great to showcase the pets we currently have in our homes, let's not forget about the animals still looking for their forever families.

      If you're looking to adopt an animal companion, visit Orphan Kitten Rescue or the SPCA.
