Video: Vancouver snowpocalypse drivers get an epic fail in last night’s chaotic commute

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      As the good people of Newfoundland have learned over the decades, sometimes you just have to accept that you’re an endless source of amusement for the rest of the country.

      And, after last night’s snowpocalypse, that’s where we’re at today on the West Coast.

      Following a mammonth two-centimetre dump of pure white hell, the streets of Vancouver looked like the opening five minutes of Zack Snyder’s Dawn of the Dead remake, only 200 times whiter and bat-shit wilder.

      Predictably, most of the evening’s entertainment was provided by the city’s drivers, 99 perc ent of whom appeared to have bald summer radials on their Telsas, Mercedes SUVs, and 1977 Toyotas (complete with flapping black garbage bag taped over the broken passenger-side window).

      We could go on, but let’s just say this one tweet sums up things more succinctly than words will:

      As for the rest of the evening, here’s a selection of Tweets (or should that be Xs) with videos that make it crystal-clear @ChristofHart was bang-on when he posted this: “Drivers in Vancouver are horrible! All these $100k cars and no snow tires lol. I ain’t going driving today, they’ll kill me!!”

      Enjoy. And, remember, even though most streets were slick with black ice by 6pm, the official party line in Vancouver remains: “It’s not the drivers—including the ones who jump out of their mini-vans on the fly—it’s the kind of snow we get.”
