On Our Radar: Sarah Jickling's "You Let Me Down" video is a great tonic for the miserable winter week ahead

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      Anyone else noticed that today in Vancouver couldn’t be more goddamn glorious, the sun shining, the air with a fresh-but-mild winter snap, the North Shore mountains looking like Yukon Cornelius just dusted them with and industrial-sized can of Boxer-brand Instant Snow.

      Get out there and enjoy it while you can, because the week ahead is bringing the kind of stretch that leaves us wondering how folks manage to pull themselves out of bed during the West Coast’s famously long, grey, and dreary winters. At least there’s the promise of a vicious thundershower to Thursday break up the endless monotony.

      Speaking of welcome diversione, let's segue into the video for “You Let Me Down (Angry Girl Edit)” by Vancouver’s Sarah Jickling and Her Good Back Luck. Over the past couple of years the Lotsusland-raised singer-songwriter has proven herself one of the most interesting fixtures on the city’s music scene.

      Musically, the Jickling traffics in a brand of pop that’s beautifully inspirational. The next time you’re having a shitty day, cue up her “I’m Not Broken” and take solace in the face you’re anything but alone.

      Away from the stage and studio Jickling deals, like so many of us, with mental health issues, the singer upfront about not only her depression and anxiety, but also the way she’s been proactive in terms of seeking help.

      She’s also making the world a better place through music. When the rains roll in tomorrow, chances are you’ll end up less enamoured than you are today with living in Vancouver.

      “You Let Me Down” is guaranteed to pick you up, right from the moment Jickling—a sly smile on her face—starts things off winsomely with “I love the pleasure of your company.”

      Hit play below. And remember, even when the storm clouds gather round and heavy rains descend, you are never alone.

