Trump-inspired "Tweet" takes down the world's top Twitter troll while actually making Radiohead listenable

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      Talk about an embarrassment of riches—even more so than the daily barrage of insanity that's coming out of the White House this summer.

      There's so much to love about "Tweet-The Animated Trump Parody Music Video" that we don't know where to begin. Let's start with the fact that Hateiohead, the group behind the clip, has actually figured out a way to make a Radiohead song listenable. 

      Then there's the way that the animated riff on "Creep" has a veritable cavalcade of bizarre moments you don't see coming (ie. "Rosie O'Donnell has AIDS"). And the way that the dance floor is filled with the head-bobbing likes of Vladimir Putin, Sean Spicer, and Kellyanne Conway.

      Christ, even the video description is brilliant: "TWEET is a cartoon parody music video about the most powerful twitter TROLL in the world."

      Don't take our word for it though. Click and enjoy.  
