Burrard Street improvements, including bike lane, will continue into the summer

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      Bad news for any West Side motorists who were looking forward to dumping their alternate routes after this spring's water and sewer work along Burrard Street: the end is not in sight.

      The city has sent written notice to residents informing them that the “finishing stage” of the Burrard Street upgrade includes the creation of “a more complete street between W 1st and W 10th Avenues.”

      What does a more complete street look like? Reconstructed sidewalks, curb ramps, wider crosswalks, and a redesigned bus stop, with new trees, for the #44 at West 3rd Avenue. There will also be new dedicated right-turn and left-turn lanes for drivers.

      The Burrard Complete Street plan offers concessions to cyclists: a protected southbound bike lane connecting from Burrard Bridge to the West 7th Avenue off-Broadway bikeway and a painted northbound bike lane from West 4th Avenue to West 1st Avenue. There may also be additional bicycle parking and/or future public bike-share stations.

      Parking is currently prohibited on both sides of Burrard, but as part of the changes, full-time parking will be offered on one side of the street. The affected area stretches from a little south of West 4th Avenue to just north of Broadway. Out of the nine affected blocks, roughly half are receiving on-street parking.

      “However,” the notice says, “most other evening/weekend parking stalls will be removed.”
