Donald Trump doubles down on claims that presidential election was stolen

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      Last night, CNN White House correspondent, Kaitlan Collins tweeted that Donald Trump's son-in-law, Jared Kushner, approached him about conceding the election.

      Kaitlan said that CNN learned this from two sources.

      However, any entreaty from Kushner—if it happened—doesn't appear to have had any effect.

      That's because Trump has gone on a Twitter tirade this morning maintaining once again that the Democrats stole the election.

      With each tweet, Twitter added the following message:"This claim about election fraud is disputed."

      “We believe these people are thieves," Trump declared in one of his messages. "The big city machines are corrupt. This was a stolen election. Best pollster in Britain wrote this morning that this clearly was a stolen election, that it’s impossible to imagine that Biden outran Obama in some of these states."

      This came after Trump's Saturday tweet, in which he insisted that he won the election "by a lot".

      Right-wing commentator Tom Fitton, the president of Judicial Watch, has gone so far as to suggest that state legislatures in Georgia, Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin, and perhaps Arizona should ignore the election results.

      Instead, Fitton suggested on FOX News that they should simply appoint pro-Trump members to the Electoral College. 

      One of the few Republicans to reject Trump's conspiracy theory is 2012 presidential candidate Mitt Romney.

      “He is wrong to say that the election was rigged, corrupt and stolen,: the Utah senator stated on Twitter and Facebook on Friday. “Doing so damages the cause of freedom here and around the world, weakens institutions that lie at the foundation of the Republic, and recklessly inflames destructive and dangerous passions.”

      However, Romney added that the president has a legal right to request recounts and call for investigations into voting fraud where evidence of this exists.
