Homeless in Vancouver: Sunset for an overcast and rainy day

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      It’s been pouring rain in Vancouver all day today (April 11) but that was no reason not to enjoy a nice warm sunset.

      Certainly in the Fairview neighbourhood, where I spend so much time, the forecast generally calls for both a sunny disposition and at least a sprinkling of discarded paintings in the back alleys.

      So here’s a thickly fashioned canvas that I fished out of a Fairview Dumpster earlier this week. Let its faux crepusular light shine out one last time as a stand-in for today’s sundown, blotted out by rain.

      And when I write how the clouds, in this particular instance, were “painted” all salmon and yellow (as I am wont to do of sunsets), for a change I’m not just waxing lyrically.
