Australian chef develops $120 egg sandwich

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      In an effort to raise breakfast to decadent new heights, Australian restaurant 4Fourteen now offers an egg-based sandwich that costs a whopping $120.

      You might well wonder what makes a simple egg sandwich able to command that sort of price. Well, this gustatory delight comes with award-winning bacon from Queensland, a pan-fried duck egg, semi-dried and smoked truss tomatoes, duck foie gras, caviar, crème fraîche, shaved truffles, and English cheddar.

      In an interview with the Daily Telegraph, 4Fourteen head chef and sandwich creator Carla Jones said that "It's not something I ever thought I'd be doing but it will be interesting to see how many we'll sell. I reckon some people will buy it just to see what it's like. I'm not sure I'd eat it - I'm not that into truffles and stuff like that."

      It might be a tad too extreme for my tastes, but it's certainly a cut above McDonald's Egg McMuffin.




      May 13, 2013 at 4:59pm

      It's worth pointing out that the "restaurant" in question also serves: Pigs Ear Toast, Chargrilled Ox Tongue, Crumbled Pigs Tail and Pork Neck Roll.

      The Mother's Day 4-course meal was priced at $85 Australian. The pig tail runs about $17. That's $17. That's Seventeen (17) dollars. One Seven Dollars.

      I'll take the Egg McMuffin thanks.

      m. marvin hagler

      May 13, 2013 at 9:00pm

      $17.00 for a piece of tail!!!