If you want to give the skeptics conniptions, suggest that Fukushima fallout causes plane crashes

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      The founder and host of Nuked Radio, Christina Consolo, considers herself to be a refugee from the Medical Industrial Complex.

      A former medical worker, she says she developed fibromylgia from a flu shot.

      After suffering a spinal-cord injury, Consolo began researching the effects of the 2011 Fukushima nuclear disaster.

      Her website has linked radiation from this event to aviation problems.

      Citing the Wigner Effect, Consolo maintains that nuclear fallout damages glass and metal, which can have devastating effects in the air.

      If you search the hashtag #Wigner, you'll see that some are even linking Harrison Ford's recent plane crash to this phenomenon.




      Mar 20, 2015 at 7:53am

      Consolo is so clueless she should be declared a national treasure of entertainment. The Wigner effect is caused by neutrons and none of the radionuclides released by Fukushima emit neutrons. She read that a melted core can eat through concrete at 30 centimeters per hour and therefore the Fukushima cores are now miles below ground and when they get deep enough something will happen and the Earth will be destroyed. The report she read actually said a melted core will eat through 30 cm of concrete by the end of the first hour, another 20 cm by the end of the second hour, and a total of 230 cm by 48 hours. Then she flew to Mexico for vacation and claimed all the Fukushima fallout at cruising altitude made her so sick she had to spent her whole vacation in the hospital. Right. It only affected her and none of the other passengers on her flight and none of the millions of other passengers that have flown since the disaster?


      Apr 9, 2015 at 7:38pm

      Chew sounds like a typical nuclear shill.

      He won't tell you that Fukushima has THREE ONGOING MELTDOWNS that have not been contained in 4 years time. These are massive reactors that are much larger than Chernobyl.

      Chernobyl polluted a lot of land. But luckily for the people of Ukraine and Europe, it was only a 30% meltdown and was contained within a matter of weeks.

      The damage from Fukushima is unprecedented. We have had nothing but lies coming out of the mainstream since day one. The information and more realistic numbers have steadily been leaking out over the years. Much like the nuclear pollution constantly leaking out of 70% of ALL Nuclear Power Plants due to the Wigner Effect. The Wigner Effect seriously corrodes metals and glass. And yes, Fukushima is considered to be the one of (if not) the largest Neutron releases ever. So don't, lie about that either.

      We are not sure yet how much damage Fukushima has done and will do. What we do know is this:
      1. This is the largest ecological disaster in recorded history
      2. This is the largest contamination affecting the largest eco system on the planet (The Pacific Ocean)
      3. There are a lot of dead sea lions washing ashore right now. Not to mention all of the fish , crab like things, seals, polar bears that have lesions and sores and can't seem to find food?

      4. Fukushima is catastrophic.

      The sudden increase in plane crashes and mishaps is unprecedented. I used to work in aviation, so I understand how redundant aviation systems and safety is. I also understand that if these engines did have problems with radiation the only way to tell during an inspection would be to wand it with a geiger. I highly doubt the aviation workers are being informed about the radioactive gear they're constantly working on.

      My ex gf's aunt, who was a flight attendant was diagnosed with breast cancer in 2012. My ex used to fly quite a bit, too and she started having issues with her heart. I don't think all of this is just occurring by chance. I do see a connection between these things.