Is the whole package always going to be "Return to Sender"?

I think and feel that I'm the whole package: very smart, witty, attractive, kind, a good friend etc. I'm a good lover and a compassionate companion. So why do I always end up with guys who end up making me feel stupid and crazy and then shove me around? Why can't I have meaningful non-competitive friendships with women either? I don't understand why it seems like people want to take me down a notch and why I'm always so alone. Or am I overlooking a huge flaw in myself? I just want to cook, eat, screw, sleep and enjoy every day with someone. And somewhere in there bare my insides to a person who won't use my failings as fuel for a fight someday. Is that an unrealistic fantasy or am I just mailing everything to the wrong address?


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May 24, 2016 at 12:28am

You are obviously delusional.

Also, you seem to have such a completely defined view of yourself, that I'm sure you get annoying quickly.

That "cook, eat, screw, sleep and enjoy every day" has a falseness about it. I can't put my finger on why it appears this way.

You probably need to stop broadcasting your self-perceived" assets, because once you blab a lot of people don't like it.

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Anonymous is bitter

May 24, 2016 at 3:49am

Wow, hit a nerve, Anonymous? What a callous and personal rebuttal that was to a complete stranger who was obviously vulnerable and asking for help. Forget there was a real human on the other end that you were hurting for no apparent reason? Or are you one of those bitter, insecure people that troll these ads, thinking they're all written by someone you know, and have some seething resentment for?

That was a prime example of the OP's experience of people thinking they need to take her down a notch, it would seem. And according to your post, it was bc she came across as having a confident and defined view of who she is. How dare she. Unfortunately, that post made you look small, not her.

To the OP: try not to be such a confident, well rounded woman, you bitch (sarcasm).
People hate that and will always want to tear you down for it if they don't personally approve of all your qualities and sign off on you being aware or god forbid, proud, of them. THEY want to decide whether you're good enough, they just hate it when you've already told yourself that you're a-ok. A person's instinctive reaction to someone who acts like their shit don't stink? Punish them for it. Pull them down so they realize they ain't all that. Teach them humility as though it's their god-given job. Why? You'd have to ask, or more importantly--they should.
Then again, sometime's people are just jerks.

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May 24, 2016 at 7:21am

Well, to be blunt, wouldn't being very smart enable you to see right through these men than turn everything sour for you? Maybe you're too taken in by their looks/image and blinded as to who they truly are?
I do find your desire to share your vulnerabilities a most excellent thing. It's sad this has been used against you in the past. Don't worry OP, you'll figure this out...I think you're down to earth desires will be met by a great guy soon enough

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Things will be okay

May 24, 2016 at 8:33am

I totally feel where you're coming from. I've been attracting weirdos an assholes my entire life. It's probably the positive energy you put out. Lots of people are drawn to it but sometimes assholes are the first to act and take advantage. Because you're always looking for the one you'll jump at opportunities.

Women could possibly be jealous of you or intimidated. I suggest you put yourself out there more to meet women as uncomfortable as it may be. The more rejection the closer you are to acception. There are women who will love to be your friend and you will become very close to them.

I don't think it's a delusional fantasy at all. Sometimes "life", annoying however just happens and we have little control over other people's reactions. What you do have control over is how you react to life. Don't let these things get you down. I know it's easier said than done but it's really all you can do. If you feel you are at your personal best then just keep keeping on. It may get lonely but I'd rather be alone than settle with a bunch of fake people that mean nothing to me just for the company.

Things will work out. The universe always has a plan and whether the journey is positive or negative try just saying yes for once. Whichever way the wind is blowing accept it for what it is. Dont fight it. You never know where it will lead you but if you're doing the all the right things and are consistent with what you believe in there is no other way but up.

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May 24, 2016 at 8:48am

I dunno, I have a similar thing going on - in a relationship where it feels like my partner likes to point out my failings. I'm intelligent, educated, a professional person, a nice person, and yet I feel that my SO enjoys pointing out that I mispronounced a word, or did something incorrectly or whatever. I don't know if it's something about me (that I try too hard, and people enjoying taking me down a notch) or if it's him. I imagine it's likely a combination of the two. But on another note, the fact that you're ending up with guys who 'shove you around' is more troubling - I'd suggest some counselling because this is not okay behaviour, and it's not your fault. You just need to develop a better "picker" so you don't end up with abusive guys. All the best.

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May 24, 2016 at 11:01am

Your positive and realistic self-description leads me to believe that your self esteem is still largely intact.
Guard it like gold.

I'll bet you smile a lot in daily interaction with others. That drives a lot of people absolutely insane. (And) it's a great character recognition warning light for you when it does happen.

To put it simplistically, most people in our society are empathy challenged, overwhelmingly insecure, and unable to come to any realistic terms about it because they are basically....common idiots. They rarely think beyond their nose.

Sociopathic narcissism is totally common in all of human society, and it aggressively thrives on abject victimization. It's a primitive yet rampantly powerful way for people to create an artificial social hierarchy (big or small) where they can easily exploit others to fulfill (whatever) messed up appetite their character generates.

Nobody's going to give you what you want or need in life. People in general (and happily) will turn you into a door mat and feel invigorated by the self-proclaimed right to wipe their shitty boots on you. If you protest, they'll pull the "crybully" and try to make you feel like the aggressor.

Their lack of value or appreciation for others is keenly based on the mechanization of fear within themselves. When people operate in a lifestyle of exploitation and loathing of others, they only mirror their own deepest selves. The ugliness of that reflection is where the trait known as "denialism" raises it's nasty head.

Try not to look at other's negative and/or bullying behaviour as a fault within yourself. It is the socially destructive conduct of others that you have subjected yourself to, most unknowingly, and it's intensely hard to figure out without a degree of practical experience first. (You're there now!!!)

Only you can deliver good and positive scenario to yourself, only you WILL deliver that to yourself.
Push yourself to a level of adeptness to easily identify those character types as they come through your life, quarantine them from your life, and carry on with your happy and positive manner. Be powerful about it.

There is absolutely nothing you can do to help them, so don't waste your time &'ve only go one life to live, and there's no dress rehearsal.....(!!!)

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About female relationships

May 24, 2016 at 1:38pm

The great thing about (non-competitive) supportive female relationships is they can help you keep perspective when you're dating someone who isn't that great - they kind of keep you honest, and don't let you get away with letting yourself lower your standards just because there isn't anything better around at the moment. Yea, it's true that sometimes this goes in the opposite direction, and friends give TOO much input, or don't let you make decisions for yourself - so that's important to keep in mind too. But maybe work on building your support unit for a bit, prioritize building some positive female (or friend, whatever) relationships before you prioritize the dating ones. Give yourself a stronger base.

Just a thought, but hell, what do I know? You do you, OP.

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@ Kismet

May 24, 2016 at 2:37pm

I wish I could give this comment 100 thumbs up. Like the OP, I've been dealing with the fallout of emotional vampirism for quite some time, and your take on the subject is most sage and illuminating. Comments like yours are what I love about this forum. Thank you.

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May 24, 2016 at 6:12pm

not if you mail it here OP. I'd open the heck out of that package.

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May 24, 2016 at 9:42pm

"I think and feel that I'm the whole package: very smart, witty, attractive, kind, a good friend etc."

While these traits are great how are they related to the quality of people you surround yourself with? It sounds like you are jumping into friendships based on superficial factors, only to find out about behavioral shortcomings later. Try the opposite: first observe how people behave over time. All people really are, are their actions over time. You are responsible for who you associate with. Remember that simply having lots of options doesn't mean any of those options are any good.

Keep pursing your interests, focus on being present, and observe people over time. As the saying goes, "A tiger always shows its stripes." so allow yourself time to observe people. Simply avoid the "tigers" and invite the quality people into your life.

This does require patience and you may miss some of the titillation of superficial attraction, but so many things are merely titillating and offer nothing more than a cheap thrill.

Since you like to cook I assume you know the value of spending the time to find quality ingredients, rather than using quick fix convenience items. Knowing how to incorporate these ingredients properly to make a meal also takes time and practice. So it is with vetting the people you choose to associate with. The "quality ingredients" of a person is observed over time. Take action to find quality people and incorporate them into your life.

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