
It's annoying when people are entitled and have never even put more than 8 hours in their day of work. If they have never worked hard to get ahead, but expect it, it becomes annoying. How can we welcome them to reality? ... I wish we still had unions, but ironically the entitled generation of millenials does not believe in unions. They believe in government sponsored "equitable" wages... Aka. communism. Okay, the last part is a stretch a bit... But I think we might oddly be on that path a little.


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Jul 25, 2017 at 1:25pm

"Welcome them to reality?"

You're lost in space punk

You wish we still had unions?

Jul 25, 2017 at 1:41pm

You must be old if you associate unions with hard work.

I Don't Understand

Jul 25, 2017 at 1:41pm

I don't know what you're trying to say. You start off saying that you think people ought to work longer than the typical 8 hour day that unions and the labour movement fought so hard for.
Then you say that you wish we still had unions. You say that millennials don't believe in them, but I don't think that's actually true. You think that they prefer government distribution of income, or communism, because.....why? Is it because they believe in a minimum wage? Don't unions believe in a minimum wage too? And also regular, guaranteed wage increases? And don't unions need government support in order to be effective? Doesn't "essential services" legislation from government undercut unions?
I don't understand you.

@i dont u

Jul 25, 2017 at 4:50pm

Trying to understand RW lunatics is a waste of time and intelligence.

Bizarre and stupid

RW? Contradictions?

Jul 25, 2017 at 7:33pm

I think the post makes sense. You just have to understand what logical contradictions are and that the millennials are being called out for being walking contradictions.

RW? Really? Sensitive much? Hey, this came up in all my classes at school Super RW... logic, reason, knowledge. :)

8 29Rating: -21

@ I Don't Understand

Jul 25, 2017 at 8:06pm

The OP didn't state that people ought to work longer than an 8 hr work day. The people being referred to have always put in less than 8 hrs. The people in question believe they are entitled to the same or more than what the OP has for doing less work than the OP has. Of course there are plenty of people in and out of government that don't really do much of anything, but collect money from those that do work, and have worked throughout their entire lives. So their "solution" to this "inequality"? A global communistic caliphate under the UN. Followed by mass global genocide.


Jul 26, 2017 at 12:45am

I wasn't aware that millenials didn't believe in unions. This millenial would love the chance to have a unionized job.

0 0Rating: 0

Risible Right

Jul 26, 2017 at 12:50am

If you think the corporate elite are going to grant everyone a 'guaranteed annual income', guess what, you're just being fed pablum. Wake up.

17 9Rating: +8

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