Tell me I'm not alone...

There is a client I'm interested in, and it sucks. I'm not in a position to date him. Wish I was. He's good looking, interesting. I say it again, it sucks. Tell me I'm not alone...


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Nov 16, 2012 at 10:12am

Personally not in a position or professionally? Tell him anyhow; I am a client in the same position and would love to hear confirmation, even if we can't act on it. This would certainly cut some of the tension in the room, or on our next walk.

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Nov 16, 2012 at 10:20pm

I'm not in a position professionally, and could lose my career if I were to act on it.

(And again I say, it sucks)

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Nov 17, 2012 at 8:46am

Well if it doesn't involve work and you don't mix business with pleasure whilst in work then I myself cannot see an issue with it. Go for it!

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Been there....

Nov 17, 2012 at 3:59pm

Professionally - I can relate. Was in a position where I was able to contact him after he was no longer a client. But by then, he'd found someone else. We did go out for a drink which I figured was just a drink (as he told me he was seeing someone) but he got all dressed up so maybe it did mean a little more to him. Anyway - nothing came of it, but it was flattering when he told me he thought I was pretty and we had a great three-hour conversation over a beer, discovering things we had in common. Sadly, that was it.

Don't risk your career over it - you just can't do it. But...if it's the kind of thing where you no longer have him as a client and it's not 'against the rules' to start something at that point, then you could contact him and see what happens. Try to level the playing field with disclosure as well so that you don't have an unfair advantage - depending on the profession you're in, you know what I'm talking about.

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Nov 17, 2012 at 5:40pm

In my line of work, sadly, it is an 'issue'.

Thank you for the responses, and for not making me feel as alone on this one.

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