Homeless in Vancouver: It’s a shock at first but the rain grows on you

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      The fall season in Vancouver can come on abruptly, like a mishap.

      Especially after the new fashion of our hot, dry summers, the sudden wet and cold of fall feels like an ending more than a beginning, and I find that it takes some getting used to.

      This morning (October 12) the curtain truly came down on an especially long run of warmth and sunshine.

      There were a few claps of thunder and then a heavy, grey, almost torrential, cold rain began to fall and kept falling, for a good (or bad) four hours.

      The same view a few minutes earlier.
      Stanley Q. Woodvine

      Fortunately, no one to my knowledge was injured by this sudden fall—drenched, yes, soaked to the skin, perhaps. But not actually injured.

      Rain will now likely fall, more-often-than-not, for the next six or seven months. This will, I trust, give us all more than enough time to grow (like well-watered plants) to love it.

      Stanley Q. Woodvine is a homeless resident of Vancouver who has worked in the past as an illustrator, graphic designer, and writer. Follow Stanley on Twitter at @sqwabb.
