You only live once

We both chose to end our long weekend at Funky's Metal Mondays. It seemed like you came alone; I found it endearing (and attractive) how you boldly took to the stage to sing your heart out to Wheatus. We locked eyes a few times and I got the sense you were lingering at the bar for a reason... When my friend and I left, you were standing at the crosswalk light directly outside the doors however it did not seem like you were intending to cross. In a flurry emotions (my being anxious to miss my bus and nervousness to talk to you) I rushedly complimented your song choices and bolted across the street. Sorry for the bizarre exit - perhaps we can sing together next time? If by any chance you see this and are interested, let me know what other song you sang and we can connect. I was the one singing "You Only Live Once" by the Strokes - so here goes :)

When: Monday, September, 3 2018

Where: Funky Winker Beans

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