I Saw You


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E.g., Jun 7 2024

I Saw Yous

Lunch at Las Margaritas

May 28th lunch at Las Margaritas, we both sat at front window tables. I was there with my friend, you on your own sometimes writing. We looked at each other a lot. I've been wishing I had spoken to you, asked your name I'm wondering if you'd like to meet up.

When: Tuesday, May, 28 2024

Where: Las Marguerita

ART CARS, but no cars

When looking at a street installation, you asked my opinion. We chatted briefly, before we walked on in our own direction. I wish we spoke longer. Now, wondering how long your ‘typical guy’ disposition will take to process this. I hope you look for this ad!

When: Tuesday, May, 28 2024

Where: Arbutus Street and 16th Avenue

You offered to let me in line before you

There was a long line at the coffee shop, at work. You offered to let me in before you, but I declined. We chatted, just a bit. You are so trim. I really like trim. I know most men don't like trim, but I like it a lot. You also seemed so confident. I like confidence, too. May I see you again?

When: Monday, May, 27 2024

Where: At the coffee shop - you know.

Whole Foods on Cambie today

You were all in denim! We locked eyes in the produce section and then again in the condiment aisle. Felt like there was burning unspoken chemistry.

When: Sunday, May, 26 2024

Where: Whole Foods Cambie

Dog Walkin on Kamloops

I was heading north with my pooch when I saw you (long dark hair, brown skin, shorts, T-shirt) getting in your Chevy. I kind of did a double take because you are very cute, and also because you weren’t wearing much in the rain lol. We smiled at each other 2 or 3 times and then I waved as you drove past. Wish I had said something.

When: Friday, May, 24 2024

Where: Kamloops & Eton

Sisters of Mercy Outside the Rickshaw

I inquired about the metal fest going on and we had a brief talk about metal genres and then Sisters of Mercy. We started talking about beers but then I had to get on the bus lol. You have purple hair and lip spikes. You also had a red vape pen. Wish I would have at least gotten your name (or a number)!

When: Friday, May, 17 2024

Where: Outside the Rickshaw

Small Victory South Granville

You bought me a caramel salt cheesecake- and we chatted briefly. Anyhow, just to say your kindness was sooo buoying. I have wondered about how I might be able to reconnect to continue our conversation …

When: Saturday, May, 11 2024

Where: Small Victory South Granville

Flirty check-out line at Save-on-Foods

We smiled at each other in the veggie aisles and I tried to not melt into the floor. So I couldn’t help but choose the same cashier line when I saw you there, even though there were other cashiers available ;) You were chatting with the cashier about Mother’s Day and her eldest’s teenage drama, and we all laughed about our youthful mistakes and how we now know what we want in life. She asked about your brother and you claimed he was the ‘better one,’ to which I joked that if that were true I’d like to meet him…but actually what I’d like is to meet you again. Wishing you would have lingered long enough to hear my phone number!

When: Monday, May, 13 2024

Where: Save-on-Foods Cambie

R5 at Main and Hastings

We’re waiting for the bus heading east, you had your skateboard and a bouquet of flowers. We start chatting and it carries on once we get seated. We are talking about your upcoming trip to Peru. One quick stop went by I had to get off. You gave me one of your flowers. I asked your name to which you relied Emma. I wish I had asked for more, someone help me find this girl

When: Friday, May, 10 2024

Where: Main and Hastings


Don't drive your car to "car...

I remember running an errand to Main St on a "car free" day. The side roads were...

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