CABINFEVER-01, MacKay-Lyons Sweetapple Architects Limited, Cliff House, Tomlee Head, NS, 2010 Photo: Greg Richardson, Courtesy MacKay- Lyons Sweetapple Architects Limited

Cabin Fever



Event is over.



The Vancouver Art Gallery presents its major summer 2018 exhibition, Cabin Fever, tracing the history of the North American cabin as an architectural form and cultural construct, on view June 9 to September 30, 2018. From rustic sanctuary described in Thoreau’s Walden (1854), to minimalist homestead popularized by websites such as Cabin Porn, the North American cabin and its connotations have evolved over centuries. This exhibition traces the cabin’s evolution through renderings, artworks and commercial products as well as architectural models, plans and full-scale installations, surveying this iconic yet humble lodging’s utility, adulation and prevalence in Canada and the US.

Places to go nearby approx. 15 minutes away