VIFF 2015: A Matter of Interpretation a funny, easygoing trip-out

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      A Matter of Interpretation (South Korea)  

      Fans of Jim Jarmusch and Luis Buñuel will be delighted by this funny, easygoing trip-out in which dreams, memories, and fleeting impulses get thrown in director Lee Kwang-kuk’s blender.

      It takes a little while to get whirring, but things start when a disappointed thespian quits her theatre job and her boyfriend, goes for a smoke, and eventually spills her thoughts to an unusual detective, who claims to be “known for interpreting dreams, back at the precinct”. He’s bad at forensics, he admits, but the film is good at piling up clues, as various characters repeat each other’s words and gestures in increasingly fragmented situations, most taking place against the misty-white backdrop of wintertime Seoul.

      Highly recommended.

