On Our Radar: Obviously suffering from noseblindness, Necking seems bound for greatness with "Big Mouth"

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      Okay, here's a slightly weird and arguably off-topic, but still entirely relevant question: Have you ever smelled a fish when it's been out of the water for a bit? And by that, we're not talking lying on a bed of shaved ice at the Granville Island Market. 

      There are less-appealing odors­—the Icelandic national dish of Hákarl , a 19-year-old white poodle's breath, the sewage outflow pipe at Annacis Island­—but not many of them.

      And then there's the slime factor. Fish secrete something called glyco-protein, which is designed to make it more difficult for predators to latch onto them. It's mega-slippery and disgustingly viscous, that explaining why getting a speckled trout, European sturgeon, or giant oarfish into the boat without a net is mission impossible when fishing. 

      Given this reality, one has to ask themself what's going on in Necking's video for "Big Mouth". Instead of going the hyper-literal route and playing in front of a giant video projection of Donald Trump's worst pep-rally moments, the Vancouver four-piece gets creative. 

      Propelled by a song that's all brilliantly angular bass, postpunk-perfect drumming, art-star guitar and bored-but-angry vocals, the members of Necking spend three minutes proving the old adage that there's plenty of fish in the sea. Not to mention on Tinder.

      Except that the fish in question have two legs and wear clothes, know how to work a TV remote, and love old-school flash photography. 

      Also, they evidently—from the way things occasionally go from drinks on-the-coach to clothes on the floor—don't smell. Either that, or the members of necking learned something from watching Jodie Foster in Silence of the Lambs and start every date by putting a ring of Vick's Vaporub in each nostril. 

      Watch below as Necking—which just released its debut ablum Cut Your Teeth on Mint Records—announces itself as a band headed for seriously great things in Vancouver. Not to mention guaranteed future employment at Granville Island's Seafood City. 

