Do not compare yourself (or me) to others

Full disclosure, I’ve been guilty of doing this myself before I saw the error of my ways. But when it happens now I see the motive behind it so clearly. When you don’t know all the circumstances of someone else’s life or especially, their medical situation, you’re not in any position to judge what they can or cannot do. Telling me about someone else that you think has the same medical condition as I do but is capable of doing “so much more” is just cruel. If you think it’s going to inspire the person you’re speaking to, think again. It’s not. It’s going to make them even more convinced that you have no idea of what they’re dealing with. No two people are alike. Especially when it comes to medical situations. Unless they have exactly the same physiological makeup and medical history, they are NOT the same. Even if they have the same diagnosis, they don’t share the same body! Please stop doing this to people, even if you think you’re being helpful or especially if you’re trying to do the “tough love” approach. What people who are trying to cope with difficult medical issues need the most is compassion and empathy, not judgment and condescension. Take your own ego out of the equation and stop assuming that you have all the answers.


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My point exactly!

May 6, 2024 at 4:01pm

Agreed! Let’s all learn to start being more kinder to one another and let things flow naturally so that everyone can under understand each others point view. Why can’t we learn it? Just get along? That’s all. Get along everyone.

9 5Rating: +4

B Nicholson

May 7, 2024 at 11:01am

Thank You for your post :) yes compassion lacking in some people !
I have a health condition that is not obvious and people have said rude things sbout my being unemployed! I find it embarrassing to be unemployed ! I can work 2 maybe 3 days a week and spend the rest of the week recovering. I never Judge anyone!
The expression " Walk a mile in someone else's Shoes" is one more people need to understand!

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