Wolf Alice totally fucking torpedoes the idea that everything sucks today

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      Remember how, just over a week ago, we were using the webpages of straight.com to argue that everything today sucks. (With the possible exception of that “Jumpman” song by the guy who used to be on Degrassi: The Next Generation

      If you don’t, here’s a refresher. Seriously, if we never hear that goddamn “Despacito” again it will be far too soon. 

      Sometimes one has to admit that one is wrong. Not everything today sucks. 

      Get ready to meet your new favourite band in London, England’s Wolf Alice. As a taster for its upcoming second full-length Visions of a Life, the quartet has released a single, "Yuk Foo". It's a assaultive instant-classic with an equally great video (forget storyboarded clips; there's nothing better than a band ripping it up claustrophobic quarters). And it sends a message that Wolf Alice continues to be on a mission to, first and foremost, to fuck shit up. 

      Think the best of old-school agitators like L7, Hole, and early PJ Harvey, with enough spit, sweat, and grit to make you ashamed you’ll always have a soft spot for Taylor Swift’s “Shake It Off”. 

      Suck on that “Despacito”.
