Patrick Condon willing to step aside and support Adriane Carr for Vancouver mayor

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      Green councillor Adriane Carr can count on Patrick Condon’s support if she runs for mayor of Vancouver.

      The eminent urban planner himself is thinking about going for the top job in the city.

      But as Condon informed the Georgia Straight, he is waiting for Carr to make up her mind.

      If she does run for Vancouver mayor, Condon will remove his name for consideration and back Carr.

      The founding chair of the urban design program of UBC’s School of Architecture + Landscape Architecture has told the same to others.

      These include Connie Hubbs, co-chair of the Coalition of Progressive Electors (COPE).

      “Patrick Condon has said one thing very definitely, and it is if she runs, he doesn’t run,” Hubbs told the Straight in a phone interview.

      COPE and the team of recognized anti-poverty advocate Jean Swanson has held talks with Condon.

      It was former COPE councillor Anne Roberts who brought the idea to Condon about him running for city mayor.

      For her part, Roberts announced Thursday (April 26) that she is seeking a COPE nomination to run for council.

      Roberts served one term in council from 2002 to 2005. She was a Vancouver school board trustee from 1993 to 1996.

      “One of the reasons young people have been asking me to run again is that my record is clear: as a councillor I took a stand when too many councillors started working for corporate campaign contributors instead of for voters,” Roberts said in a statement. “I have experience and a track record, and together with the young people getting involved in COPE I feel we can put this city back on track.”

      In the October 2017 by-election for a vacant seat in council, Roberts helped Swanson campaign for the seat that was subsequently won by another candidate.

      Going back to Carr, the Green councillor has written COPE, the ruling Vision Vancouver, and OneCity to ask for their support by not fielding or endorsing another candidate for mayor.

      In the interview, the Straight did not ask Hubbs if COPE has responded to Carr’s letter.

      When asked if Carr is a good unity candidate by parties on the left, Hubbs said: “From a COPE point of view, there’s a lot of positives.”

      For one thing, according to Hubbs, Carr has the advantage of experience over other aspirants.

      Hubbs mentioned SFU academic and environmentalist Shauna Sylvester, a Vision member who has declared that she is running as an independent candidate.

      Carr is currently on her second term in council. In the last election, she won the most votes for councillor.
