Former House speaker Nancy Pelosi demands bipartisan investigation into Russian interference in U.S. elections

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      Another influential politician has spoken up about alleged Russian hacking prior to Donald Trump becoming president-elect of the United States.

      Former U.S. House speaker Nancy Pelosi said in a statement today that the current speaker, Paul Ryan, "must join the bipartisan call for a forma' investigation into Russia's unprecedented assault on our democracy".

      “The U.S. intelligence community has determined that Russia interfered in U.S. elections," Pelosi stated. "There must be no equivocation or ignoring the seriousness of the intelligence community’s conclusion about Russia’s actions. Regardless of the outcome of the election, the American people deserve to know the truth and a commitment to protect our democracy from foreign meddling."

      Pelosi is the longest-serving member of the House intelligence committee.

      On December 9, she said that defending elections from foreign meddling "is more important than any political party's advantage or disadvantage".

      "President-elect Trump, who openly encouraged foreign hackers to target his political opponent in the campaign, has a responsibility to the American people to confront any foreign government’s efforts to undermine American democracy," she said in the earlier statement. “Any administration should be deeply troubled by Russia’s attempt to tamper with our elections.”
